disable libplacebo support
vlc is currently not compatible with libplacebo 6.x, which some packages (at least mpv) are now requiring. right now we can't update mpv because of this problem with vlc.
debian has also disabled libplacebo support: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/merge_requests/3950
this is just temporary until vlc is updated to be compatible.
Merge request reports
mentioned in merge request libplacebo!1 (merged)
added statusunconfirmed label
added statusconfirmed label and removed statusunconfirmed label
added priority3-normal severity3-medium labels
removed severity3-medium label
mentioned in merge request mpv!1 (merged)
mentioned in issue libplacebo#1 (closed)
this is just temporary until vlc is updated to be compatible.
That seems to be be only planned for VLC 4.0 - originally planned to be released in 2021 - and it does not look to be happening soon, so it's probably going to be disabled for quite some time.
There's a proposal to package libplacebo5 libplacebo#1 (closed) just for VLC but at least pulling in this disable in the meanwhile would be nice, as it is blocking mpv updates from coming through.