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  • David Runge's avatar
    Integrate SourceUrlCheck with Tasks and CLI · b9d0983d
    David Runge authored
    Change `CreateOutputPackageBasesTask` to optionally accept a dict, which
    provides pkgbase names and their respective source URLs and will be used
    in conjunction with any `OutputPackageBase` that is created and matches
    the name of the pkgbase.
    Change `ConsolidateOutputPackageBasesTask` to accept and optional
    `UrlValidationSettings` object which is passed into a `SourceUrlCheck`
    in its list of `Checks` in post_checks.
    Change signatures of `add_packages_dryrun()` and `add_packages()` to
    include the optional `pkgbase_urls` parameter for providing a dict of
    pkgbase names and their respective source URLs.
    Change `repod_file_repo_importpkg()` to call `add_packages_dryrun()` and
    `add_packages()` providing the source URLs retrieved via the CLI.
    Change tests for `CreateOutputPackageBasesTask` to include the changes to
    the signature of the class.
    Change tests for `add_packages_dryrun()` and `add_packages()` to also
    provide the pkgbase_urls parameter.
    Change tests for `repod_file_repo_importpkg()` to provide a the source
    URLs provided via the CLI and expect the correct call to
    `add_packages_dryrun()` and `add_packages()` (including pkgbase_urls).