Thomas Bächler authored
This code is derived from the autowifi code (http://projects.archlinux.org/?p=users/thomas/autowifi.git;a=summary) and renamed to be more generic. This daemon is a lot like "wpa_cli -a /path/to/script", but adds logging capabilities and tries to avoid race conditions using a disconnect timeout similar to ifplugd. It is used in the upcoming netcfg versions and will be removed from autowifi and maintained as a separate project.
Thomas Bächler authoredThis code is derived from the autowifi code (http://projects.archlinux.org/?p=users/thomas/autowifi.git;a=summary) and renamed to be more generic. This daemon is a lot like "wpa_cli -a /path/to/script", but adds logging capabilities and tries to avoid race conditions using a disconnect timeout similar to ifplugd. It is used in the upcoming netcfg versions and will be removed from autowifi and maintained as a separate project.
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