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Verified Commit 3e370691 authored by Kevin Morris's avatar Kevin Morris
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change(python): move test_pkgbase tests to their own suite

Signed-off-by: Kevin Morris's avatarKevin Morris <>
parent 42aa12d0
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......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ from unittest import mock
import pytest
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from sqlalchemy import and_
from aurweb import asgi, db, defaults
from aurweb.models import License, PackageLicense
......@@ -26,9 +25,8 @@ from aurweb.models.package_relation import PackageRelation
from aurweb.models.package_request import ACCEPTED_ID, REJECTED_ID, PackageRequest
from aurweb.models.package_vote import PackageVote
from aurweb.models.relation_type import CONFLICTS_ID, PROVIDES_ID, REPLACES_ID, RelationType
from aurweb.models.request_type import DELETION_ID, MERGE_ID, RequestType
from aurweb.models.request_type import DELETION_ID, RequestType
from aurweb.models.user import User
from import Email
from aurweb.testing.html import get_errors, get_successes, parse_root
from aurweb.testing.requests import Request
......@@ -513,44 +511,6 @@ def test_package_dependencies(client: TestClient, maintainer: User,
assert broken_node.text.strip() == broken_dep.DepName
def test_pkgbase_not_found(client: TestClient):
with client as request:
resp = request.get("/pkgbase/not_found")
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
def test_pkgbase_redirect(client: TestClient, package: Package):
with client as request:
resp = request.get(f"/pkgbase/{package.Name}",
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/packages/{package.Name}"
def test_pkgbase(client: TestClient, package: Package):
with db.begin():
second = db.create(Package, Name="second-pkg",
expected = [package.Name, second.Name]
with client as request:
resp = request.get(f"/pkgbase/{package.Name}",
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
# Check the details box title.
title = root.find('.//div[@id="pkgdetails"]/h2')
title, pkgname = title.text.split(": ")
assert title == "Package Base Details"
assert pkgname == package.Name
pkgs = root.findall('.//div[@id="pkgs"]/ul/li/a')
for i, name in enumerate(expected):
assert pkgs[i].text.strip() == name
def test_packages(client: TestClient, packages: List[Package]):
with client as request:
response = request.get("/packages", params={
......@@ -1110,414 +1070,6 @@ def test_packages_per_page(client: TestClient, maintainer: User):
assert len(rows) == 250
def test_pkgbase_voters(client: TestClient, tu_user: User, package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/voters"
now = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
with db.begin():
db.create(PackageVote, User=tu_user, PackageBase=pkgbase, VoteTS=now)
cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
# We should've gotten one link to the voter, tu_user.
root = parse_root(resp.text)
rows = root.xpath('//div[@class="box"]//ul/li/a')
assert len(rows) == 1
assert rows[0].text.strip() == tu_user.Username
def test_pkgbase_voters_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User,
package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/voters"
now = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
with db.begin():
db.create(PackageVote, User=user, PackageBase=pkgbase, VoteTS=now)
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"
def test_pkgbase_comment_not_found(client: TestClient, maintainer: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
comment_id = 12345 # A non-existing comment.
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/comments/{comment_id}"
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"comment": "Failure"
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
def test_pkgbase_comment_form_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User,
maintainer: User, package: Package):
now = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
with db.begin():
comment = db.create(PackageComment, PackageBase=package.PackageBase,
User=maintainer, Comments="Test",
RenderedComment=str(), CommentTS=now)
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment.ID}/form"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
def test_pkgbase_comment_form_not_found(client: TestClient, maintainer: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
comment_id = 12345 # A non-existing comment.
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment_id}/form"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
def test_pkgbase_comments_missing_comment(client: TestClient, maintainer: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/comments"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
def test_pkgbase_comments(client: TestClient, maintainer: User, user: User,
package: Package):
""" This test includes tests against the following routes:
- POST /pkgbase/{name}/comments
- GET /pkgbase/{name} (to check comments)
- Tested against a comment created with the POST route
- GET /pkgbase/{name}/comments/{id}/form
- Tested against a comment created with the POST route
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments"
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"comment": "Test comment.",
"enable_notifications": True
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
expected_prefix = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}"
prefix_len = len(expected_prefix)
assert resp.headers.get("location")[:prefix_len] == expected_prefix
with client as request:
resp = request.get(resp.headers.get("location"))
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
headers = root.xpath('//h4[@class="comment-header"]')
bodies = root.xpath('//div[@class="article-content"]/div/p')
assert len(headers) == 1
assert len(bodies) == 1
assert bodies[0].text.strip() == "Test comment."
comment_id = headers[0].attrib["id"].split("-")[-1]
# Test the non-javascript version of comment editing by
# visiting the /pkgbase/{name}/comments/{id}/edit route.
with client as request:
resp = request.get(f"{endpoint}/{comment_id}/edit", cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
# Clear up the PackageNotification. This doubles as testing
# that the notification was created and clears it up so we can
# test enabling it during edit.
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
db_notif = pkgbase.notifications.filter(
PackageNotification.UserID == maintainer.ID
with db.begin():
# Now, let's edit the comment we just created.
comment_id = int(headers[0].attrib["id"].split("-")[-1])
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment_id}"
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"comment": "Edited comment.",
"enable_notifications": True
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
with client as request:
resp = request.get(resp.headers.get("location"))
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
headers = root.xpath('//h4[@class="comment-header"]')
bodies = root.xpath('//div[@class="article-content"]/div/p')
assert len(headers) == 1
assert len(bodies) == 1
assert bodies[0].text.strip() == "Edited comment."
# Ensure that a notification was created.
db_notif = pkgbase.notifications.filter(
PackageNotification.UserID == maintainer.ID
assert db_notif is not None
# Don't supply a comment; should return BAD_REQUEST.
with client as request:
fail_resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert fail_resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
# Now, test the form route, which should return form markup
# via JSON.
endpoint = f"{endpoint}/form"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
data = resp.json()
assert "form" in data
def test_pkgbase_comment_delete(client: TestClient,
maintainer: User,
user: User,
package: Package,
comment: PackageComment):
# Test the unauthorized case of comment deletion.
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment.ID}/delete"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
expected = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}"
assert resp.headers.get("location") == expected
# Test the unauthorized case of comment undeletion.
maint_cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment.ID}/undelete"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=maint_cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
# And move on to undeleting it.
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
def test_pkgbase_comment_delete_unauthorized(client: TestClient,
maintainer: User,
package: Package,
comment: PackageComment):
# Test the unauthorized case of comment deletion.
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment.ID}/delete"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
def test_pkgbase_comment_delete_not_found(client: TestClient,
maintainer: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
comment_id = 12345 # Non-existing comment.
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment_id}/delete"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
def test_pkgbase_comment_undelete_not_found(client: TestClient,
maintainer: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
comment_id = 12345 # Non-existing comment.
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment_id}/undelete"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
def test_pkgbase_comment_pin(client: TestClient,
maintainer: User,
package: Package,
comment: PackageComment):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
comment_id = comment.ID
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
# Pin the comment.
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment_id}/pin"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
# Assert that PinnedTS got set.
assert comment.PinnedTS > 0
# Unpin the comment we just pinned.
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment_id}/unpin"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
# Let's assert that PinnedTS was unset.
assert comment.PinnedTS == 0
def test_pkgbase_comment_pin_unauthorized(client: TestClient,
user: User,
package: Package,
comment: PackageComment):
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
comment_id = comment.ID
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment_id}/pin"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
def test_pkgbase_comment_unpin_unauthorized(client: TestClient,
user: User,
package: Package,
comment: PackageComment):
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
comment_id = comment.ID
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/comments/{comment_id}/unpin"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
def test_pkgbase_comaintainers_not_found(client: TestClient, maintainer: User):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = "/pkgbase/fake/comaintainers"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
def test_pkgbase_comaintainers_post_not_found(client: TestClient,
maintainer: User):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = "/pkgbase/fake/comaintainers"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
def test_pkgbase_comaintainers_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User,
package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/comaintainers"
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"
def test_pkgbase_comaintainers_post_unauthorized(client: TestClient,
user: User,
package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/comaintainers"
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"
def test_pkgbase_comaintainers_post_invalid_user(client: TestClient,
maintainer: User,
package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/comaintainers"
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"users": "\nfake\n"
}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
error = root.xpath('//ul[@class="errorlist"]/li')[0]
assert error.text.strip() == "Invalid user name: fake"
def test_pkgbase_comaintainers(client: TestClient, user: User,
maintainer: User, package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/comaintainers"
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
# Start off by adding user as a comaintainer to package.
# The maintainer username given should be ignored.
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"users": f"\n{user.Username}\n{maintainer.Username}\n"
}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"
# Do it again to exercise the last_priority bump path.
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"users": f"\n{user.Username}\n{maintainer.Username}\n"
}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"
# Now that we've added a comaintainer to the pkgbase,
# let's perform a GET request to make sure that the backend produces
# the user we added in the users textarea.
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
users = root.xpath('//textarea[@id="id_users"]')[0]
assert users.text.strip() == user.Username
# Finish off by removing all the comaintainers.
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"users": str()
}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
users = root.xpath('//textarea[@id="id_users"]')[0]
assert users is not None and users.text is None
def test_requests_unauthorized(client: TestClient):
with client as request:
resp = request.get("/requests", allow_redirects=False)
......@@ -1582,151 +1134,38 @@ def test_requests_selfmade(client: TestClient, user: User,
assert last_row.text.strip() == "Close"
def test_pkgbase_request_not_found(client: TestClient, user: User):
pkgbase_name = "fake"
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase_name}/request"
def test_requests_close(client: TestClient, user: User,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
resp = request.get(f"/requests/{pkgreq.ID}/close", cookies=cookies,
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
def test_pkgbase_request(client: TestClient, user: User, package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/request"
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
def test_requests_close_unauthorized(client: TestClient, maintainer: User,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
resp = request.get(f"/requests/{pkgreq.ID}/close", cookies=cookies,
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == "/"
def test_pkgbase_request_post_not_found(client: TestClient, user: User):
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
def test_requests_close_post_unauthorized(client: TestClient, maintainer: User,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp ="/pkgbase/fake/request", data={
"type": "fake"
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
resp ="/requests/{pkgreq.ID}/close", data={
"reason": ACCEPTED_ID
}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == "/"
def test_pkgbase_request_post_invalid_type(client: TestClient,
user: User,
package: Package):
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/request"
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, data={"type": "fake"}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
def test_pkgbase_request_post_no_comment_error(client: TestClient,
user: User,
package: Package):
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/request"
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"type": "deletion",
"comments": "" # An empty comment field causes an error.
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
error = root.xpath('//ul[@class="errorlist"]/li')[0]
expected = "The comment field must not be empty."
assert error.text.strip() == expected
def test_pkgbase_request_post_merge_not_found_error(client: TestClient,
user: User,
package: Package):
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/request"
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"type": "merge",
"merge_into": "fake", # There is no PackageBase.Name "fake"
"comments": "We want to merge this."
}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
error = root.xpath('//ul[@class="errorlist"]/li')[0]
expected = "The package base you want to merge into does not exist."
assert error.text.strip() == expected
def test_pkgbase_request_post_merge_no_merge_into_error(client: TestClient,
user: User,
package: Package):
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/request"
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"type": "merge",
"merge_into": "", # There is no PackageBase.Name "fake"
"comments": "We want to merge this."
}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
error = root.xpath('//ul[@class="errorlist"]/li')[0]
expected = 'The "Merge into" field must not be empty.'
assert error.text.strip() == expected
def test_pkgbase_request_post_merge_self_error(client: TestClient, user: User,
package: Package):
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/request"
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"type": "merge",
"merge_into": package.PackageBase.Name,
"comments": "We want to merge this."
}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
error = root.xpath('//ul[@class="errorlist"]/li')[0]
expected = "You cannot merge a package base into itself."
assert error.text.strip() == expected
def test_requests_close(client: TestClient, user: User,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp = request.get(f"/requests/{pkgreq.ID}/close", cookies=cookies,
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
def test_requests_close_unauthorized(client: TestClient, maintainer: User,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp = request.get(f"/requests/{pkgreq.ID}/close", cookies=cookies,
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == "/"
def test_requests_close_post_unauthorized(client: TestClient, maintainer: User,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp ="/requests/{pkgreq.ID}/close", data={
"reason": ACCEPTED_ID
}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == "/"
def test_requests_close_post(client: TestClient, user: User,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
def test_requests_close_post(client: TestClient, user: User,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp ="/requests/{pkgreq.ID}/close",
......@@ -1751,339 +1190,6 @@ def test_requests_close_post_rejected(client: TestClient, user: User,
assert pkgreq.ClosureComment == str()
def test_pkgbase_flag(client: TestClient, user: User, maintainer: User,
package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
# We shouldn't have flagged the package yet; assert so.
assert pkgbase.Flagger is None
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/flag"
# Get the flag page.
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
# Now, let's check the /pkgbase/{name}/flag-comment route.
flag_comment_endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/flag-comment"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(flag_comment_endpoint, cookies=cookies,
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"
# Try to flag it without a comment.
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
# Flag it with a valid comment.
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"comments": "Test"
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert pkgbase.Flagger == user
assert pkgbase.FlaggerComment == "Test"
# Now, let's check the /pkgbase/{name}/flag-comment route.
flag_comment_endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/flag-comment"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(flag_comment_endpoint, cookies=cookies,
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
# Now try to perform a get; we should be redirected because
# it's already flagged.
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
with db.begin():
user2 = db.create(User, Username="test2",
# Now, test that the 'user2' user can't unflag it, because they
# didn't flag it to begin with.
user2_cookies = {"AURSID": user2.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/unflag"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=user2_cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert pkgbase.Flagger == user
# Now, test that the 'maintainer' user can.
maint_cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=maint_cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert pkgbase.Flagger is None
# Flag it again.
with client as request:
resp ="/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/flag", data={
"comments": "Test"
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
# Now, unflag it for real.
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert pkgbase.Flagger is None
def test_pkgbase_flag_vcs(client: TestClient, user: User, package: Package):
# Morph our package fixture into a VCS package (-git).
with db.begin():
package.PackageBase.Name += "-git"
package.Name += "-git"
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp = request.get(f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/flag",
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
expected = ("This seems to be a VCS package. Please do "
"<strong>not</strong> flag it out-of-date if the package "
"version in the AUR does not match the most recent commit. "
"Flagging this package should only be done if the sources "
"moved or changes in the PKGBUILD are required because of "
"recent upstream changes.")
assert expected in resp.text
def test_pkgbase_notify(client: TestClient, user: User, package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
# We have no notif record yet; assert that.
notif = pkgbase.notifications.filter(
PackageNotification.UserID == user.ID
assert notif is None
# Enable notifications.
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/notify"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
notif = pkgbase.notifications.filter(
PackageNotification.UserID == user.ID
assert notif is not None
# Disable notifications.
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/unnotify"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
notif = pkgbase.notifications.filter(
PackageNotification.UserID == user.ID
assert notif is None
def test_pkgbase_vote(client: TestClient, user: User, package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
# We haven't voted yet.
vote = pkgbase.package_votes.filter(PackageVote.UsersID == user.ID).first()
assert vote is None
# Vote for the package.
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/vote"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
vote = pkgbase.package_votes.filter(PackageVote.UsersID == user.ID).first()
assert vote is not None
assert pkgbase.NumVotes == 1
# Remove vote.
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/unvote"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
vote = pkgbase.package_votes.filter(PackageVote.UsersID == user.ID).first()
assert vote is None
assert pkgbase.NumVotes == 0
def test_pkgbase_disown_as_sole_maintainer(client: TestClient,
maintainer: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/disown"
# But we do here.
with client as request:
resp =, data={"confirm": True}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
def test_pkgbase_disown(client: TestClient, user: User, maintainer: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
user_cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/disown"
with db.begin():
# GET as a normal user, which is rejected for lack of credentials.
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=user_cookies,
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
# GET as the maintainer.
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
# POST as a normal user, which is rejected for lack of credentials.
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=user_cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
# POST as the maintainer without "confirm".
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
# POST as the maintainer with "confirm".
with client as request:
resp =, data={"confirm": True}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
def test_pkgbase_adopt(client: TestClient, user: User, tu_user: User,
maintainer: User, package: Package):
# Unset the maintainer as if package is orphaned.
with db.begin():
package.PackageBase.Maintainer = None
pkgbasename = package.PackageBase.Name
cookies = {"AURSID": maintainer.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbasename}/adopt"
# Adopt the package base.
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert package.PackageBase.Maintainer == maintainer
# Try to adopt it when it already has a maintainer; nothing changes.
user_cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=user_cookies,
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert package.PackageBase.Maintainer == maintainer
# Steal the package as a TU.
tu_cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=tu_cookies,
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert package.PackageBase.Maintainer == tu_user
def test_pkgbase_delete_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User,
package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/delete"
# Test GET.
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"
# Test POST.
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"
def test_pkgbase_delete(client: TestClient, tu_user: User, package: Package):
pkgbase = package.PackageBase
# Test that the GET request works.
cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/delete"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
# Test that POST works and denies us because we haven't confirmed.
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
# Test that we can actually delete the pkgbase.
with client as request:
resp =, data={"confirm": True}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
# Let's assert that the package base record got removed.
record = db.query(PackageBase).filter(
PackageBase.Name == pkgbase.Name
assert record is None
# Two emails should've been sent out; an autogenerated
# request's accepted notification and a deletion notification.
assert Email.count() == 1
req_close = Email(1).parse()
expr = r"^\[PRQ#\d+\] Deletion Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$"
subject = req_close.headers.get("Subject")
assert re.match(expr, subject)
def test_pkgbase_delete_with_request(client: TestClient, tu_user: User,
pkgbase: PackageBase,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
# TODO: Test that a previously existing request gets Accepted when
# a TU deleted the package.
# Delete the package as `tu_user` via POST request.
cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/delete"
with client as request:
resp =, data={"confirm": True}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
assert resp.headers.get("location") == "/packages"
# We should've just sent one closure email since `pkgreq` exists.
assert Email.count() == 1
# Make sure it was a closure for the deletion request.
email = Email(1).parse()
expr = r"^\[PRQ#\d+\] Deletion Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$"
assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))
def test_packages_post_unknown_action(client: TestClient, user: User,
package: Package):
......@@ -2130,24 +1236,6 @@ def test_packages_post(client: TestClient, user: User, package: Package):
assert errors[0].text.strip() == expected
def test_pkgbase_merge_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/merge"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
def test_pkgbase_merge(client: TestClient, tu_user: User, package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/merge"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
assert not get_errors(resp.text)
def test_packages_post_unflag(client: TestClient, user: User,
maintainer: User, package: Package):
# Flag `package` as `user`.
......@@ -2489,138 +1577,6 @@ def test_packages_post_delete(caplog: pytest.fixture, client: TestClient,
assert expected in caplog.text
def test_pkgbase_merge_post_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/merge"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
def test_pkgbase_merge_post_unconfirmed(client: TestClient, tu_user: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/merge"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
errors = get_errors(resp.text)
expected = ("The selected packages have not been deleted, "
"check the confirmation checkbox.")
assert errors[0].text.strip() == expected
def test_pkgbase_merge_post_invalid_into(client: TestClient, tu_user: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/merge"
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"into": "not_real",
"confirm": True
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
errors = get_errors(resp.text)
expected = "Cannot find package to merge votes and comments into."
assert errors[0].text.strip() == expected
def test_pkgbase_merge_post_self_invalid(client: TestClient, tu_user: User,
package: Package):
cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/merge"
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"into": package.PackageBase.Name,
"confirm": True
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
errors = get_errors(resp.text)
expected = "Cannot merge a package base with itself."
assert errors[0].text.strip() == expected
def test_pkgbase_merge_post(client: TestClient, tu_user: User,
package: Package,
pkgbase: PackageBase,
target: PackageBase,
pkgreq: PackageRequest):
pkgname = package.Name
pkgbasename = pkgbase.Name
# Create a merge request destined for another target.
# This will allow our test code to exercise closing
# such a request after merging the pkgbase in question.
with db.begin():
pkgreq.ReqTypeID = MERGE_ID
pkgreq.MergeBaseName = target.Name
# Vote for the package.
cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/vote"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
# Enable notifications.
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/notify"
with client as request:
resp =, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
# Comment on the package.
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/comments"
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"comment": "Test comment."
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
# Save these relationships for later comparison.
comments = package.PackageBase.comments.all()
notifs = package.PackageBase.notifications.all()
votes = package.PackageBase.package_votes.all()
# Merge the package into target.
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}/merge"
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"into": target.Name,
"confirm": True
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
loc = resp.headers.get("location")
assert loc == f"/pkgbase/{target.Name}"
# Two emails should've been sent out.
assert Email.count() == 1
email_body = Email(1).parse().glue()
assert f"Merge Request for {pkgbasename} Accepted" in email_body
# Assert that the original comments, notifs and votes we setup
# got migrated to target as intended.
assert comments == target.comments.all()
assert notifs == target.notifications.all()
assert votes == target.package_votes.all()
# ...and that the package got deleted.
package = db.query(Package).filter(Package.Name == pkgname).first()
assert package is None
# Our previously-made request should have gotten accepted.
assert pkgreq.Status == ACCEPTED_ID
assert pkgreq.Closer is not None
# A PackageRequest is always created when merging this way.
pkgreq = db.query(PackageRequest).filter(
and_(PackageRequest.ReqTypeID == MERGE_ID,
PackageRequest.PackageBaseName == pkgbasename,
PackageRequest.MergeBaseName == target.Name)
assert pkgreq is not None
def test_account_comments_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User):
""" This test may seem out of place, but it requires packages,
so its being included in the packages routes test suite to
......@@ -2667,33 +1623,3 @@ def test_account_comments(client: TestClient, user: User, package: Package):
expected = rendered_comment.RenderedComment.replace(
"<p>", "").replace("</p>", "")
assert rendered[0].text.strip() == expected
def test_pkgbase_keywords(client: TestClient, user: User, package: Package):
endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{package.PackageBase.Name}"
with client as request:
resp = request.get(endpoint)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
keywords = root.xpath('//a[@class="keyword"]')
assert len(keywords) == 0
cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
post_endpoint = f"{endpoint}/keywords"
with client as request:
resp =, data={
"keywords": "abc test"
}, cookies=cookies)
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
with client as request:
resp = request.get(resp.headers.get("location"))
assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
root = parse_root(resp.text)
keywords = root.xpath('//a[@class="keyword"]')
assert len(keywords) == 2
expected = ["abc", "test"]
for i, keyword in enumerate(keywords):
assert keyword.text.strip() == expected[i]
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