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main.yml 7.87 KiB
- name: Read /etc/motd
command: cat /etc/motd
register: motd_contents
changed_when: motd_contents.stdout | length > 0
- name: Check whether we're running in Hetzner or Equinix Metal rescue environment
fail: msg="Not running in rescue system!"
when: "'Hetzner Rescue' not in motd_contents.stdout and 'Rescue environment based on Alpine Linux' not in motd_contents.stdout"
- name: Prepare Equinix Metal rescue system
when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "Alpine"
- name: Make sure all required packages are installed in the rescue system
apk: name=sgdisk,btrfs-progs,tar,gnupg update_cache=yes
- name: Create the GnuPG home directory for the root user
file: path=/root/.gnupg state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0700
# Need to set no-use-tor otherwise dirmngr hangs at startup checking if
# works and remains in SYN-SENT state for about a minute
- name: Set the no-use-tor option in dirmngr.conf
lineinfile: name=/root/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf create=yes line=no-use-tor owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: Create GRUB embed partitions
command: sgdisk -g --clear -n 1:0:+1M {{ item }} -c 1:boot -t 1:ef02
- "{{ system_disks }}"
register: sgdisk
changed_when: "sgdisk.rc == 0"
- name: Create root partitions
command: sgdisk -n 2:0:0 {{ item }} -c 2:root
- "{{ system_disks }}"
register: sgdisk
changed_when: "sgdisk.rc == 0"
- name: Partition and format the disks (btrfs RAID)
command: mkfs.btrfs -f -L root -d {{ raid_level | default('raid1') }} -m {{ raid_level | default('raid1') }} -O no-holes {{ system_disks | map('regex_replace', '^(.*)$', '\g<1>p2' if 'nvme' in system_disks[0] else '\g<1>2') | join(' ') }}
when: filesystem == "btrfs" and system_disks | length >= 2
- name: Partition and format the disks (btrfs single)
command: mkfs.btrfs -f -L root -d single -m single -O no-holes {{ system_disks[0] }}{{ 'p2' if 'nvme' in system_disks[0] else '2' }}
when: filesystem == "btrfs" and system_disks | length == 1
- name: Mount the filesystem (btrfs)
mount: src="{{ system_disks[0] }}{{ 'p2' if 'nvme' in system_disks[0] else '2' }}" path=/mnt state=mounted fstype=btrfs opts="compress-force=zstd,space_cache=v2"
when: filesystem == "btrfs"
- name: Touch LOCK file on mountpoint
file: path=/mnt/LOCK state=touch owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: Download bootstrap image
url: "{{ item }}"
dest: /tmp/
mode: 0644
-{{ bootstrap_version }}/archlinux-bootstrap-x86_64.tar.gz
-{{ bootstrap_version }}/archlinux-bootstrap-x86_64.tar.gz.sig
- name: Get pierre's key
command: gpg --locate-keys
changed_when: false
- name: Verify bootstrap image signature
command: gpg --verify /tmp/archlinux-bootstrap-x86_64.tar.gz.sig
changed_when: false
- name: Extract boostrap image # noqa risky-file-permissions