- Aug 29, 2022
Evangelos Foutras authored
Fixes: 26f289b7 ("Capitalize the first letter of all task names")
- Aug 23, 2022
Evangelos Foutras authored
ansible-lint 6.5.0 complains about: name: All names should start with an uppercase letter. (name[casing])
- Jun 08, 2022
Evangelos Foutras authored
These are used to signal the start of the document in a stream of many documents. As Ansible only supports one YAML document per file this is unnecessary. About a third of our YAML documents already lacked these.
- Jun 03, 2022
Evangelos Foutras authored
Nothing fancy, just something to prevent automated form submissions.
- Oct 03, 2021
- Oct 02, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
Jelle van der Waa authored
- Jun 16, 2021
Kristian Klausen authored
[1] archlinux/archlinux-keyring#9
Kristian Klausen authored
To be used as we begin migrating Flyspray tasks to GitLab. Fix #320
- May 15, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
The repository has been migrated to Gitlab as cgit will be removed in due time.
- May 13, 2021
- Apr 27, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
Retain permissions as how they are on the live system, setting 750 will make nginx unable to read the flyspray directory. Fix when: condition.
Stop uncontrolled requests before reach php backend Closes: #276 Signed-off-by:
Leonidas Spyropoulos <artafinde@gmail.com>
- Apr 08, 2021
A extra access_log entry was added with the following commands: $ cd roles $ grep -lr access_log | xargs -P 1 -n 1 sed -i '/access_log/ s/\(.*\)\( \)\(\(reduced\|main\);$\)/\1 \3\n\1.json json_\3/'
- Feb 14, 2021
Kristian Klausen authored
yaml: truthy value should be one of [false, true] (truthy) yaml: wrong indentation: expected 4 but found 2 (indentation) yaml: too few spaces before comment (comments) yaml: missing starting space in comment (comments) yaml: too many blank lines (1 > 0) (empty-lines) yaml: too many spaces after colon (colons) yaml: comment not indented like content (comments-indentation) yaml: no new line character at the end of file (new-line-at-end-of-file) load-failure: Failed to load or parse file parser-error: couldn't resolve module/action 'hosts'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
Jelle van der Waa authored
As flyspray does not support PHP 8 as of yet, transition to the php7 package by simply introducing a new php7_fpm role.
- Aug 27, 2020
- Jun 17, 2020
also use systemd instead of service module
- Jun 12, 2020
Frederik Schwan authored
- May 22, 2020
Jelle van der Waa authored
As flyspray has no captcha for registering, we deploy this stop gap measure to stop bots registering spam accounts.
- Feb 28, 2020
Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) authored
The gitdirs are just clones of public repos and don't seem to contain anything sensitive but better safe than sorry. Thanks to Christian Rebischke <chris@shibumi.dev>
- Sep 25, 2019
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
- Sep 05, 2019
- Jun 25, 2018
Florian Pritz authored
The discovery script now uses a regex and no longer cares where exactly accounting is enabled. Follow systemd upstream by enabling it by default. Signed-off-by:
Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at>
- Jun 07, 2018
Florian Pritz authored
Florian Pritz authored
- May 30, 2018
Florian Pritz authored
For proxy/fastcgi/uwsgi blocks, logging is still set to the old format, but for everything else (= static data) a reduced format is used that excludes items that no longer make sense (request_time, remote_user) and those that are personal information all the time (remote_addr, http_x_forwarded_for). Signed-off-by:
Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at>
Florian Pritz authored
Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at>
- Feb 28, 2018
Florian Pritz authored
Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at>
- Feb 19, 2018
Florian Pritz authored
Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at>
Florian Pritz authored
This is the same as used on luna and as expected by the zabbix nginx monitoring service. Signed-off-by:
Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at>
- Jun 19, 2017
Florian Pritz authored
Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at>
- Feb 10, 2017
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
To correctly be safe for CVE-2016-1247, we need all nginx log dirs to be owned by both user and group root. Also, since nginx childs runs as http user, the directories permissions must be 0755, so the http user can descent into it. Since the logrotate will create the log files as http:log, the nginx childs will be able to write to the logs, but will not be able to create files inside those dirs, fully preventing CVE-2016-1247.
- Feb 07, 2017
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
Added the missing index rewrites. They are used for sorting the issues, and they were not working, because nginx needs it to be an absolute regex, ending in $ for it to work, otherwise it replaces the index files finding logic.
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
The task rewrites were not working because the location regex was matching only up to the task id.
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
- Feb 06, 2017
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
CVE-2016-1247 is a symlink attack on the log dir of nginx since a reopening of the logs (triggered by logrotate) opens the logs as nginx instead of root. logrotate creates the proper log files already so nginx doesn't need write permissions to those directories.