namcap (3.5.2)
- Improve and streamline license issue related messages
namcap (3.5.1)
- Fix message handling from license detection
- Fix unpacking of packages to check symlinked licenses
- Add missing info to license file missing message
- Add type annotations detect issues when adding messages
- Fix crash while parsing invalid shebang lines
namcap (3.5.0)
- Validate license field using SPDX identifiers
- Check for shadow stack support
- And QML dependency checks
namcap (3.4.2)
- Revert incorrectly dropped rule imports
namcap (3.4.1)
- Use .pc files from packages not matching ones from host system
- Use raw strings to disambiguate regular expressions
- Copy-edit wording of tags
- Refresh licensing, author lists, testing tips, and other info in docs
- Reformat and lint entire codebase (via black & ruff)
namcap (3.4.0)
- Overhaul Python dependency handling
- Overhaul sodepends including architecture pinning and RPATH handling
- Add warning for transitive dependencies
- Add color to make errors and warnings easier to parse if output is TTY
- Add check for dependencies called out in pkgconfig files
- Fix handling of debug packages
- Improve error and warning message content
- Improve licence handling especially of linked licenses and empty arrays
- Drop obsolete KDE specific rules
- Refactor Python coding to remove deprecated features, improve readability
- Implement CI testing and coverage reporting
namcap (3.3.1)
- Avoid failure when scanning dependencies in invalid Python files
namcap (3.3.0)
- Detect Python dependencies, Python extensions with limited ABIs
- Support Python 3.10
- Detect binaries that may execute code from shared RUNPATH
- Replace bzr with breezy
- Fix OFL license handling
- Handle debug packages (by ignoring some checks)
- Handle source array being empty
- Accommodate project development on case-insensitive filesystems
- make tests pass by fixing the version in the manpage
- warn for duplicated source filenames
- improved split package handling
- warn if depends duplicated in makedeps
- improved VCS handling
- improved architecture specific var handling
- remove warnings handled by hooks (FS#56898)
- add warning for unneeded hook deps
- new compression methods in pacman 5.2 (FS#64570)
- fix java-runtime handling (FS#24296)
- stricter shebang parsing (FS#49733)
- /usr/src is okay (FS#49889)
- fix API changes in pyelftools 0.24 (FS#50428)
- summarize ELF files found in opt (FS#49489)
- remove use of eu-findtextrel (FS#42700)
- check for RELRO in ELF files (FS#26435)
- warn on use of undocumented makepkg functions (FS#43502)
- more robust parsing (FS#53161)
- packages can symlink to files in dependencies (FS#53282)
- warn on unstripped files (FS#27485)
- better file handling (FS#57193)
- FULL RELRO check
- much cleaning and refactoring
- many updates to variables/hooks
- improved carch depends (FS#47862)
- better multilib dependencies
- detects bad py/pyc/pyo mtimes
- detects when an install file shouldn't be used
- removed old install file rules
- better mingw support (FS#43552)
- lrz/lzo compression (FS#44900)
- handle validpgpkeys warnings
- improved carch-specific depends (FS#45455, FS#45456)
- test for overlinking
- support "SKIP" in checksums (FS#34647)
- export CARCH correctly to parsepkgbuild (FS#32568)
- recognize .MTREE as package metadata (FS#34591)
- update fhs rules for new guidelines (/usr move).
namcap (3.2.3)
- add pyelftools as a dependency, drop prelink.
- add rubypaths rule warning against use of site_ruby
- modify elfexecstack rule to use elftools
- add test case for elfexecstack
- fix: unwanted warning when testing database is not found (FS#27973)
- fix: Creative Commons licenses not recognized (FS#27489)
- rename elffiles rule to elfpaths
- add elftextrel rule to detect text relocations (FS#26434)
- add elfexecstack rule to detect executable stacks (FS#26458)
namcap (3.2.1)
- fix: glibfiles rules ineffective because of wrong schema
filename pattern
- fix: incorrect warning about permissions for symbolic links to
static libraries (FS#26536)
- fix: consider archive files as binaries in anyelf (FS#24854)
- fix: refine glibfiles rules to avoid warnings in glib2 (FS#25829)
- fix: carch rule behavior
- various code cleanups
- add checks for files in temp. folders in fhs rule (FS#23539)
- add rule javafiles detecting Java class/jar files (FS#23521)
- fix: parsepkgbuild executing arbitrary commands from PKGBUILD (FS#23902)
- fix: extravars not knowing about $epoch (FS#23966)
- fix: mimedesktop rule crashing on packages with symlinks (FS#23952)
- fix: bug in script interpreter detection
- uses pyalpm to access pacman database
- depends check now prints reasons why a dependency is needed
- fix: inverted treatment of provides introduced by 3.0.5
- test: basic unit test for sodepends rule
- factored out tag formatting code
- fix: depends rule unreadable and broken (FS#23489)
- added a warning when a rule needs a dependency declared optional
- run parsepkgbuild with a clean environment
- added checkdepends to the list of legit PKGBUILD variables
- fix: extravars rule having unstable behaviour
- fix: symlink rule not handling particular symlinks
- extravars rule: reduce the amount of false positives
- fix crashes when running in non-English locales
- fix the ChecksumsRule behaviour with no source array (FS#23258)
- correct old PacmanPackage interface usage (FS#23259, FS#23260)
namcap (3.0)
- switch to Python 3
- rework dependency analysis
- add split package parsing capabilities
- new rule checking whether info files are installed (FS#23003)
- new rule checking that glib schemas and gio modules are
registered (FS#22881)
- new rule checking update-desktop-database is run (FS#22929)
- the permissions rule warns against setuid/setgid files (FS#18852)
- new rules for basic coherence of split packages (FS#15027)
- API: rework the implementation of rules
- API: give PacmanPackage a mapping-like interface
- fix: test suite ran with i686 architecture set
- fix: kdeprograms rule not seeing indirect dependencies
- fix: FS#15591 consistent hicolor-icon-theme messages
- fix: FS#17166 consistent shared-mime-info messages
- test: add unit test for the rpath rule
- fix: extravars rule parses PKGBUILDs incorrectly
namcap (2.8.1)
- don't be restrictive in filenames rule
- fix: emptydirs rule was not working properly
- fix: kdeprograms rule was not working properly
- fix: extravars rule was not run
- fix: extravars rule did not know options variable
- the test suite covers all rules except "depends" and "rpath"
- compatibility with changes in local DB format introduced by
pacman 3.5
- New check for inexistent backup files
- New check for cross-directory hard links (FS#20314)
- New check for filenames with non-ASCII or non-printable
characters (FS#20758)
- New check for kdebase-runtime dependency for KDE programs
- introduce a basic test suite
- Correct handling of versioned provides (version is now ignored)
- Correct checksum checking to detect non-hexadecimal digits
- parsepkgbuild: ensure return codes don't leak that aren't failures;
actually check return code of script inside namcap
- Improved $startdir detection (braces and quotes)
- Improved script dependency detection
- Better handling of files marked unreadable inside package
- Be [multilib] friendly- allow use of /usr/lib32
- Use DBPath defined inside pacman.conf
- Check for packages that could be 'any' architecture
- Initial steps toward Python 3 compatibility
- Add new 'anyelf' rule; should catch ELF files that end up in 'any'
arch packages and cannot be arch-independent
- Allow checking of all checksum types (FS#17168)
- Code style and import cleanups
- Handle optdepends descriptions correctly (FS#18259)
- Make it an error to use $startdir in PKGBUILDs
namcap (2.5)
- Turn namcap into a wrapper script that handles the compression;
this allows us to use XZ-compressed packages without Python support
- New warning- packages over 50% docs
- Fix up rpath module a bit; ensure more paths are seen as valid
- Improve checking for tarfiles; don't assume .pkg.tar.gz ending
- Allow static libraries to have 644 or 444 permissions
namcap (2.4)
- Added some vim modelines
- Small fixes in mimefiles
- Check for tags and version consistency
- Rename 'tags' to 'namcap-tags'
- Only process tags if necessary
- Move extracted variable to the correct scope
- Only do active_modules check once
- Move PKGBUILD processing to a function
- Move real package processing to a function
- Make the depends module not suck
- Move is_elf function to a utility file
- Use the is_elf function in other modules where it makes sense
- Clean up output methods
namcap (2.3)
- New tags:
elffile-not-in-allowed-dirs (FS#15299)
gnome-mime-file (checks for GNOME mime files)
mime-cache-not-updated (checks for update-mime-database calls)
hicolor-icon-cache-not-updated (FS#15028)
insecure-rpath (FS#14049)
non-fhs-info-page (FHS compliance of installed info pages)
pkgname-in-description (pkgname should not be in description)
- Removed tags:
- Added rule to look for .a files with wrong permissions
- Report dangling symlinks as an error (dangling-symlink)
- Added urls in sfurl module.
- Support machine-parseable tags (use -m to see them)
- Add covered packages to dependencies
- gnomemime uses /usr/share/ directory now
- Removed obsolete module gnomemenu
- Namcap now prints a warning if a package is empty
- Prevent crash when namcap fails to open a file (FS#14371)
- Script detection generalised, supports more scripts (FS#15160)
- Documentation updates (manual page, AUTHORS, README)
- Add a option to exclude some rules from the checks