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libmakepkg: Add delay to fixing bug...

Rudy requested to merge rudy-in/pacman:master into master

Fix: Add delay to fixing bug you may push these changes Steps to Reproduce:

Make the 'perl-mldbm' package from AUR. Note that despite the '!emptydirs' being included in options, that there are several empty directories under '/usr/lib'. This is because with the default PURGE_TARGETS value, tidy_purge wipes out every file that perl-mldbm places under '/usr/lib' ('.packlist', and '*.pod')

The obvious solution would be to put "NN-" prefixes on the tidy hook filenames, and give a high NN.

someone said it would be

Easy fix would be to change /usr/share/makepkg/tidy/

  • tidy_remove+=('tidy_emptydirs')
  • tidy_modify+=('tidy_emptydirs')

Since modify rules are run after remove rules - emptydirs will run after all remove rules are run.

We can add a comment in code stating that emptydirs is added in modify rules to make sure it runs after all remove rules.

but when i reviewed the above fix , it did not resolve the issue so what i did is to first compile pacman 100 times to get the cause and installing perl-mldbm , it would create an empty folder or file in /usr/lib so according to the bug runs too early so i putted a high NN gave it 99 because thats high you cant give it 100 because its always not the greatest number but 9 is. So after that , it did not fix the issue still and i realised i was being dumb , you see the script still runs early , with these fixes i also added a 10 second delay in and it fixes the bug when i reinstalled perl-mldbm it did not create any empty files or folders further

Edited by Rudy

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