- Oct 02, 2021
We've hit this problem at least twice in the past, last time with the new Vector skin update. With this change it should not be necessary to do anything manually after an update.
- Sep 02, 2021
- Jul 12, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
- Jun 27, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
A new editor was introduced in the most recent mediawiki update which comes with images from a new extension location
- Jun 06, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
- May 13, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
Our API endpoint was being abused by a malicious user which send about 20 req/s, as php-fpm uses a pool of workers this easily over burdens them and also gives the server a constant 100% CPU load. Applying a rate limit succesfully negates this issue.
- May 09, 2021
- May 08, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
The arch wiki box previously had plenty of ram to play around with, but the current box is significantly smaller. Memcached seems to cache ~ 600 MB on average so 1024 should suit us fine.
- May 03, 2021
It seems to work, so we can make the redirect permanent now.
- May 01, 2021
The wiki people has been wanting this for some time[1], so let's implement it. This change the url from: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Main_page to: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Main_page [1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=ArchWiki_talk:Requests&oldid=648459#index.php_in_url_address
- Apr 27, 2021
Stop uncontrolled requests before reach php backend Closes: #276 Signed-off-by:
Leonidas Spyropoulos <artafinde@gmail.com>
- Apr 08, 2021
A extra access_log entry was added with the following commands: $ cd roles $ grep -lr access_log | xargs -P 1 -n 1 sed -i '/access_log/ s/\(.*\)\( \)\(\(reduced\|main\);$\)/\1 \3\n\1.json json_\3/'
- Apr 07, 2021
- Feb 19, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
As mediawiki does not support PHP 8 yet in the current LTS release, we have to stay with PHP 7.
- Feb 14, 2021
Kristian Klausen authored
yaml: truthy value should be one of [false, true] (truthy) yaml: wrong indentation: expected 4 but found 2 (indentation) yaml: too few spaces before comment (comments) yaml: missing starting space in comment (comments) yaml: too many blank lines (1 > 0) (empty-lines) yaml: too many spaces after colon (colons) yaml: comment not indented like content (comments-indentation) yaml: no new line character at the end of file (new-line-at-end-of-file) load-failure: Failed to load or parse file parser-error: couldn't resolve module/action 'hosts'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
- Jan 25, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
Mediawiki allows the configuration of Referrer policy, which is set to the same value as archlinux.org, retaining the referrer for https:// links as they might be beneficial as promotion. Set the X-Frame-Options header to deny framing.
- Jan 10, 2021
Kristian Klausen authored
It should make it easier to change how the certificates is issued. Ex: If we want to switch to ECDSA certificates in the future or replace certbot with something else.
- Jan 06, 2021
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
The box now is much smaller than the box we had the wiki on before and so we used a lot of workers because it didn't matter. The new box had too much memory pressure and so we had to decrease this. In a load test, it lead to much better performance under high HTTP load.
- Nov 30, 2020
- Nov 21, 2020
- Oct 24, 2020
Jelle van der Waa authored
Allow bounce handling from mail.archlinux.org, the new email server
- Sep 05, 2020
Jakub Klinkovský authored
- home directory needs 751 - nginx accesses it to serve static files - cache and sessions directories are used only by PHP -> 750 - uploads is public -> 755 Note that the "fix home permissions" task was duplicated. Other tasks fixing permissions were moved above.
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
This is much cleaner because the nginx role does not have to set the fastcgi_cache variable to "false" by default, which was overridden by host_vars/apollo.archlinux.org to "wiki", but the value was still hardcoded in the config. At first, I was wondering that the cache "zone" name should be generalized to improve the configuration (from the original per-host to per-service), but that would be an overkill since the fastcgi cache is used only for the wiki...
Jakub Klinkovský authored
This role actually uses a handler from nginx to reload nginx.service.
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Otherwise the timer may be started before mysqld and the service would fail at the first start.
Jakub Klinkovský authored
archwiki-runjobs.service is one-shot and timer-activated, it is not supposed to be enabled.
- Aug 27, 2020
- Aug 19, 2020
Jelle van der Waa authored
fail2ban is no longer a dependency of the archwiki role.
- Jun 17, 2020
also use systemd instead of service module
- Jun 12, 2020
Frederik Schwan authored
- May 26, 2020
Jelle van der Waa authored
- May 25, 2020
Jelle van der Waa authored
Disallow all pages with /index.php? as this excludes wiki history pages which are shown as https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Lala&action=history to allow us to remove the lockdown plugin.