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# Contributing

Patches should be sent to the [][1] mailing list
or included in a merge request on the [aurweb repository][2].
Filipe Laíns's avatar
Filipe Laíns committed

Before sending patches, you are recommended to run `flake8` and `isort`.
Filipe Laíns's avatar
Filipe Laíns committed

You can add a git hook to do this by installing `python-pre-commit` and running
`pre-commit install`.
Filipe Laíns's avatar
Filipe Laíns committed

DISCLAIMER: We realise the code doesn't necessarily follow all the rules.
This is an attempt to establish a standard coding style for future
1. All source modified or added within a patchset **must** maintain equivalent
   or increased coverage by providing tests that use the functionality
2. Please keep your source within an 80 column width
3. Use four space indentation
4. Use [conventional commits](
5. DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself
6. All code should be tested for good _and_ bad cases (see [test/][3])


Test patches that increase coverage in the codebase are always welcome.

### Coding Style

We use `autoflake`, `isort`, `black` and `flake8` to enforce coding style in a
PEP-8 compliant way. These tools run in GitLab CI using `pre-commit` to verify
that any pushed code changes comply with this.

To enable the `pre-commit` git hook, install the `pre-commit` package either
with `pacman` or `pip` and then run `pre-commit install --install-hooks`. This
will ensure formatting is done before any code is commited to the git

There are plugins for editors or IDEs which automate this process. Some
example plugins:

- [tenfyzhong/autoflake.vim](
- [fisadev/vim-isort](
- [psf/black](
- [nvie/vim-flake8](
- [prabirshrestha/vim-lsp](
- [dense-analysis/ale](
See `setup.cfg`, `pyproject.toml` and `.pre-commit-config.yaml` for tool
specific configurations.

### Development Environment

To get started with local development, an instance of aurweb must be
brought up. This can be done using the following sections:

- [Using Docker](#using-docker)
- [Using INSTALL](#using-install)

There are a number of services aurweb employs to run the application
in its entirety:

- ssh
- cron jobs
- starlette/fastapi asgi server

Project structure:

- `./aurweb`: `aurweb` Python package
- `./templates`: Jinja2 templates
- `./docker`: Docker scripts and configuration files

#### Using Docker

Using Docker, we can run the entire infrastructure in two steps:

    # Build the aurweb:latest image
    $ docker-compose build

    # Start all services in the background
    $ docker-compose up -d nginx

`docker-compose` services will generate a locally signed root certificate
at `./data/root_ca.crt`. Users can import this into ca-certificates or their
browser if desired.

Accessible services (on the host):

- https://localhost:8444 (python via nginx)
- https://localhost:8443 (php via nginx)
- localhost:13306 (mariadb)
- localhost:16379 (redis)

Docker services, by default, are setup to be hot reloaded when source code
is changed.

#### Using INSTALL

The [INSTALL](INSTALL) file describes steps to install the application on
bare-metal systems.