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Forked from Arch Linux / archiso
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Arch User Repository (AUR)

The Arch User Repository (AUR) is a framework for hosting a collection of
packaging scripts that are created and submitted by the Arch community. The
scripts contained in the repository (PKGBUILDS) can be built using the Arch
building/packaging script (makepkg) and installed via the Arch pacman manager
(pacman). The AUR project aims to provide the necessary web interface, database
schema, and scripts for a multi-lingual community-driven repository.

-Users may submit source packages that contain a PKGBUILD
-User accounts with varying permission levels (User, Trusted User, Developer)
-Ability to search for specific submitted packages (based on package name,
package description, package submitter, package maintainer)
-Display submitted package information by parsing PKGBUILD (description,
license, package dependencies, etc)
-Users can make comments on package information page
-Mark packages as out-of-date
-Vote for well-done and popular user submitted packages
-Trusted User and Developer have ability to search for and modify accounts
-Area for Trusted Users
and Developers to post AUR-related proposals and vote on them

File Hierarchy:

Directory Layout:
./po		- Translation files for strings in the AUR web
./scripts	- aurblup package blacklist tool. Scripts for AUR
./support	- Schema for SQL database. Script for dummy data generation.
./web		- Web interface for the AUR.

AUTHORS		- List of maintainers, contributors, and translators for AUR
COPYING		- License information for AUR project (GPL version 2).
HACKING		- Guidelines for modifying source and submitting
INSTALL		- Installation procedure for AUR.
TODO		- List of potential features and changes to be made to the AUR.
TRANSLATING	- Directions for creating and updating string translations.
UPGRADING	- Changes needed to upgrade older AUR version to newer version.

Official repository hosted at git://
See HACKING for information on submitting patches

Discovered bugs can be submitted to the AUR bug tracker:

Questions, comments, and patches related to the AUR can be sent to the AUR
development mailing list:
Mailing list archives: