Exploratory Proof of Concept
The scope of this is still being discussed and some points are missing, others might be removed.
Build a small proof of concept to explore the following:
- High-level sketch of the data structures and core logic, without too much focus on actual implementation details
- Automatic rebuild detection and invalidation: Analyze a common rebuild situation and try to compute what rebuilds are necessary
- Create buildsets for trivial version bumps as well as rebuilds
- "Linearize" multiple parallel conflicting build namespaces for hypothetical release, similar to gitlab's merge trains (#25)
- Automatically create new build iterations when package sources change
- Allow for smooth development & automated testing using fake dummy builds
- Run builds using a gitlab runner custom executor (#26)
- Evaluate whether gitlab can handle the amount of issues, pipelines, and merge requests we would create (#27)
Maybe part of the Poc:
- Link to individual package builds across source repositories using central issues or merge requests (#28)
- Look at common bootstrapping problems and brainstorm ways to handle them (#29)
- Create Gitlab MRs, show build status in their pipelines (#30)
- Explore how to re-use build artifacts between multiple iterations (#31)
Not part of the PoC:
- buildbot, or any other solution for distributing build workload across multiple machines
- Functionality for releasing anything to a pacman repository
CLI commands
logs --job=<id>
status [--buildset=<id>]