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Verified Commit 7bccfc7d authored by Levente Polyak's avatar Levente Polyak :rocket:
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feat(version): support combiner source for version check commands

This allows more flexibility and chaining by being able to define
multiple sources per pkgbase and chain them together to achieve the
final result. This may also be helpful to combine multiple from/to
patterns into a chain to achieve the final pkgver to compare against.

To utilize the combiner source, the `pkgbase` section must be declared
as the combiner source. Additionally, individual sections should be
added using a quoted table key consisting of the `pkgbase` followed by
the stage name, separated by double colons.
For example: `["sudo:stage1"]`.

Fixes #216

Component: pkgctl version check
Signed-off-by: Levente Polyak's avatarLevente Polyak <>
parent 8af7a50c
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1 merge request!297feat(version): support combiner source for version check commands
Pipeline #118037 passed
......@@ -39,6 +39,14 @@ placed in the `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`/nvchecker` directory. This keyfile is
used for providing the necessary authentication tokens required for
accessing the GitHub or GitLab API.
Combiner Source
To utilize the combiner source, the `pkgbase` section must be declared as the
combiner source. Additionally, individual sections should be added using a
quoted table key consisting of the `pkgbase` followed by the stage name,
separated by double colons. For example: `["sudo:stage1"]`.
......@@ -304,6 +304,11 @@ get_upstream_version() {
return 1
if ! output=$(jq --raw-output --exit-status 'select(.name == "'"${pkgbase}"'")' <<< "${output}"); then
printf "failed to select pkgbase result from output"
return 1
if ! upstream_version=$(jq --raw-output --exit-status '.version' <<< "${output}"); then
printf "failed to select version from result"
return 1
......@@ -346,7 +351,7 @@ nvchecker_check_config() {
# check if the config contains any section other than pkgbase
if [[ -n ${pkgbase} ]] && property=$(grep --max-count=1 --perl-regexp "^\\[(?!\"?${pkgbase//+/\\+}\"?\\]).+\\]" < "${config}"); then
if [[ -n ${pkgbase} ]] && property=$(grep --max-count=1 --perl-regexp "^\\[(?!\"?${pkgbase//+/\\+}(:.+)?\"?\\]).+\\]" < "${config}"); then
printf "non-pkgbase section not supported in %s: %s" "${config}" "${property}"
return 1
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