name = {{ aurweb_db }}
user = {{ aurweb_db_user }}
password = {{ vault_aurweb_db_password }}
aurwebdir = {{ aurweb_dir }}

Giancarlo Razzolini
{% if maintenance is defined and maintenance %}
enable_maintenance = 1
maintenance-exceptions = {{ maintenance_remote_machine }}
{% else %}

Giancarlo Razzolini
{% endif %}
localedir = {{ aurweb_dir }}/web/locale/
cache = {{ aurweb_cache }}
cache_pkginfo_ttl = {{ aurweb_cache_pkginfo_ttl }}
aur_location = https://{{ aurweb_domain }}
git_clone_uri_anon = https://{{ aurweb_domain }}/%s.git
git_clone_uri_priv = ssh://{{ aurweb_user }}@{{ aurweb_domain }}/%s.git
redis_address = redis://localhost
request_limit = {{ aurweb_request_limt }}
window_length = {{ aurweb_window_length }}
Ed25519 = SHA256:RFzBCUItH9LZS0cKB5UE6ceAYhBD5C8GeOBip8Z11+4
ECDSA = SHA256:uTa/0PndEgPZTf76e1DFqXKJEXKsn7m9ivhLQtzGOCI
RSA = SHA256:5s5cIyReIfNNVGRFdDbe3hdYiI5OelHGpw2rOUud3Q8
git-serve-cmd = /usr/local/bin/
repo-path = {{ aurweb_git_dir }}
git-shell-cmd = /usr/bin/sh
git-update-cmd = /usr/local/bin/
ssh-cmdline = ssh {{ aurweb_user }}@{{ aurweb_domain }}
max-blob-size = 500000
db-path = {{ aurweb_dir }}/aurblup
server =
packagesfile = {{ aurweb_dir }}/web/html/packages.gz
packagesmetafile = {{ aurweb_dir }}/web/html/packages-meta-v1.json.gz
packagesmetaextfile = {{ aurweb_dir }}/web/html/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz
pkgbasefile = {{ aurweb_dir }}/web/html/pkgbase.gz
userfile = {{ aurweb_dir }}/web/html/users.gz
; One week in seconds
popularity-interval = 604800
; Git Archive repository locations
metadata-repo = {{ aurweb_dir }}/metadata.git
users-repo = {{ aurweb_dir }}/users.git
pkgbases-repo = {{ aurweb_dir }}/pkgbases.git
pkgnames-repo = {{ aurweb_dir }}/pkgnames.git
notify-cmd = aurweb-notify
{# Gitlab project and token used for traceback reports. #}
gitlab-instance = {{ vault_aurweb_gitlab_instance }}
error-project = {{ vault_aurweb_error_project }}
error-token = {{ vault_aurweb_error_token }}
session_secret = {{ vault_aurweb_secret }}