- Apr 12, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
The redirects are now done by the `redirects` role.
Jelle van der Waa authored
Remove arch32 mirror role See merge request !352
Jelle van der Waa authored
We no longer mirror arch32 on our servers and this role is currently broken.
- Apr 11, 2021
Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) authored
Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) authored
Now that logs are gathered centrally, the team is complaining about the volume of logs from this server.
Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) authored
Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) authored
Jelle van der Waa authored
Group security/out of date packages alerts Closes #191 See merge request !351
Jelle van der Waa authored
We want to get notifications of pacman/arch-audit notifications grouped as otherwise we'll be spammed with ~ X emails for every host. Closes: #191
Jelle van der Waa authored
prometheus: Make alertmanager.yml only readable by root and alertmanager See merge request !350
It contains secrets, so it shouldn't be world readable.
Jelle van der Waa authored
Jelle van der Waa authored
- Apr 09, 2021
Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) authored
Jelle van der Waa authored
promtail: Give access to the logrotated nginx access.log files See merge request !344
The files are initially created by nginx as 0644/http:root, but when logrotate rotates the files it creates the new files as 0640/http:log, which promtail can't read. Fix the issue by adding the log group as a supplementary group.
Jelle van der Waa authored
Resolve the users.hosts key not being defined when rolling out the root_ssh role.
Jelle van der Waa authored
Give klausenbusk root access to {bugs,monitoring}.al.org See merge request !342
klausenbusk is our new newest Junior DevOp and he needs some access: * bugs.al.org for helping with migrating Flyspray tasks to GitLab * monitoring.al.org for setting up centralized logging
Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) authored
Revert "Remove NM connectivity check file from al.org" See merge request !346
Kristian Klausen authored
This is causing issues for a small business, which can't reach their "remote systems" anymore due to NM reporting "limited access". We should be able to revert this in 1-2 weeks. This reverts commit b909fa58.
- Apr 08, 2021
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
I found it a bit short earlier.
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
It was somewhat broken before and even had a duplicate key.
Jelle van der Waa authored
Loki keeps logs it returns in ram, resulting in the oom killer on 2GB's of ram.
Jelle van der Waa authored
Jelle van der Waa authored
By default the user-agent is Go-http-client/2.0 which isn't identifyable in our loki logs. https://github.com/prometheus/blackbox_exporter/issues/555
Jelle van der Waa authored
Jelle van der Waa authored
As our grafana now contains Loki logs, we don't want non devops to view logs which potentially contain sensitive data. As Grafana does not have a system to easily restrict data sources to roles we use Keycloak.
Jelle van der Waa authored
Jelle van der Waa authored
Using just / works but Grafana logs four lines for every request.
A extra access_log entry was added with the following commands: $ cd roles $ grep -lr access_log | xargs -P 1 -n 1 sed -i '/access_log/ s/\(.*\)\( \)\(\(reduced\|main\);$\)/\1 \3\n\1.json json_\3/'
Fix #263
- Apr 07, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
Ensure unbound is used where we want it and removed all other places Closes #234 See merge request !325
unbound is only used if dns_servers is explicit set to, which isn't the case for any of these systems. Fix #234
For spam checking it is recommend to use our own recursive resolver[1] to avoid rate limiting by using a public resolver. unbound is already installed but the system wasn't configured to use it. [1] https://rspamd.com/doc/faq.html#resolver-setup
Jelle van der Waa authored
Fix nginx alias traversal Closes #291 See merge request !334
Jelle van der Waa authored
Re introduce the arch-audit rule as arch-audit no longer reports false positives from [testing]. Lax the high cpu alert as our mediawiki instance is perfectly fine running on 85% CPU for some time, and lax our disk will fill within X alert as our borg backups generate enough data in a short time to trigger the 4 hour alarm.