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Verified Commit 07cce405 authored by Morten Linderud's avatar Morten Linderud :surfer:
Browse files

fix srcinfo

parent 099295fd
No related branches found
Tags 6.0.2-9
1 merge request!19Update to 7.0.0
......@@ -23,21 +23,25 @@ pkgbase = pacman
depends = libarchive
depends = pacman-mirrorlist
depends = systemd
optdepends = base-devel: required to use makepkg
optdepends = perl-locale-gettext: translation support in makepkg-template
provides =
backup = etc/pacman.conf
backup = etc/makepkg.conf
backup = etc/makepkg.conf.d/rust.conf
source = git+
source = revertme-makepkg-remove-libdepends-and-libprovides.patch::
source = pacman.conf
source = makepkg.conf
source = alpm.sysusers
source = rust.conf
validpgpkeys = 6645B0A8C7005E78DB1D7864F99FFE0FEAE999BD
validpgpkeys = B8151B117037781095514CA7BBDFFC92306B1121
sha256sums = 06d082c3ce6f0811ca728515aa82d69d372800bd3ada99f5c445ef9429b6e3a6
sha256sums = b3bce9d662e189e8e49013b818f255d08494a57e13fc264625f852f087d3def2
sha256sums = 0e84952e4b8eacbb38c018608d152ddd6f98e205c4c6c7d3cdca854d4b7d4179
sha256sums = 23d512b4d504c36fd49b58a32eb1a93a7f2ed67424a3672fc3c645cb443ad6f7
sha256sums = d99c1f9608362fff9ab3a2ca0a3096a317927b42a6725bc86599da6849c9c67c
sha256sums = c8760d7ebb6c9817d508c691c67084be251cd9c8811ee1ccf92c1278bad74c1c
sha256sums = 59a8bbdc32830c90dbce5ead9f90074a2bb31cd85ec92bc5f92251bb4bcf8a1d
pkgname = pacman
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