Do not build with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3
Just flagging pacman/pacman#104 (closed) - I think it is a false positive, but causes pacman to crash when displaying the info from packages.
Due to an influx of spam, we have had to temporarily disable account registrations. Please write an email to, with your desired username, if you want to get access. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Just flagging pacman/pacman#104 (closed) - I think it is a false positive, but causes pacman to crash when displaying the info from packages.
added priority3-normal severity4-low statusunconfirmed labels
assigned to @freswa, @foxboron, @anthraxx, and @toolybird
hasn't made it into a released devtools
... yet. So hopefully it'll be resolved before becoming a problem.
added scopebug statusconfirmed labels and removed statusunconfirmed label
unassigned @freswa and @toolybird
There was an upstream fix submitted: pacman/pacman!147 (merged)
Though I recommend just taking everything on the release/6.1.x branch.
closed with commit b2a5638e