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Commit c94793b0 authored by Kevin Morris's avatar Kevin Morris
Browse files

add user registration routes

* Added /register get and post routes.
+ Added default attributes to AnonymousUser, including a new
  AnonymousList which behaves like an sqlalchemy relationship
+ aurweb.util: Added validation functions for various user fields
  used throughout registration.
+ test_accounts_routes: Added get|post register route tests.

Signed-off-by: Kevin Morris's avatarKevin Morris <>
parent 19b4a896
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
......@@ -7,12 +7,22 @@ from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from starlette.authentication import AuthCredentials, AuthenticationBackend, AuthenticationError
from starlette.requests import HTTPConnection
import aurweb.config
from aurweb.models.session import Session
from aurweb.models.user import User
from aurweb.templates import make_context, render_template
class AnonymousUser:
# Stub attributes used to mimic a real user.
ID = 0
LangPreference = aurweb.config.get("options", "default_lang")
Timezone = aurweb.config.get("options", "default_timezone")
# A stub ssh_pub_key relationship.
ssh_pub_key = None
def is_authenticated():
return False
import copy
from http import HTTPStatus
from fastapi import APIRouter, Form, Request
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, RedirectResponse
from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy import and_, func, or_
import aurweb.config
from aurweb import db
from aurweb import db, l10n, time, util
from aurweb.auth import auth_required
from aurweb.captcha import get_captcha_answer, get_captcha_salts, get_captcha_token
from aurweb.l10n import get_translator_for_request
from aurweb.models.account_type import AccountType
from aurweb.models.ban import Ban
from aurweb.models.ssh_pub_key import SSHPubKey, get_fingerprint
from aurweb.models.user import User
from aurweb.scripts.notify import ResetKeyNotification
from aurweb.templates import make_variable_context, render_template
......@@ -93,3 +101,311 @@ async def passreset_post(request: Request,
# Render ?step=confirm.
return RedirectResponse(url="/passreset?step=confirm",
def process_account_form(request: Request, user: User, args: dict):
""" Process an account form. All fields are optional and only checks
requirements in the case they are present.
context = await make_variable_context(request, "Accounts")
ok, errors = process_account_form(request, user, **kwargs)
if not ok:
context["errors"] = errors
return render_template(request, "some_account_template.html", context)
:param request: An incoming FastAPI request
:param user: The user model of the account being processed
:param args: A dictionary of arguments generated via request.form()
:return: A (passed processing boolean, list of errors) tuple
# Get a local translator.
_ = get_translator_for_request(request)
host =
ban = db.query(Ban, Ban.IPAddress == host).first()
if ban:
return False, [
"Account registration has been disabled for your " +
"IP address, probably due to sustained spam attacks. " +
"Sorry for the inconvenience."
if request.user.is_authenticated():
if not request.user.valid_password(args.get("passwd", None)):
return False, ["Invalid password."]
email = args.get("E", None)
username = args.get("U", None)
if not email or not username:
return False, ["Missing a required field."]
username_min_len = aurweb.config.getint("options", "username_min_len")
username_max_len = aurweb.config.getint("options", "username_max_len")
if not util.valid_username(args.get("U")):
return False, [
"The username is invalid.",
_("It must be between %s and %s characters long") % (
username_min_len, username_max_len),
"Start and end with a letter or number",
"Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen.",
password = args.get("P", None)
if password:
confirmation = args.get("C", None)
if not util.valid_password(password):
return False, [
_("Your password must be at least %s characters.") % (
elif not confirmation:
return False, ["Please confirm your new password."]
elif password != confirmation:
return False, ["Password fields do not match."]
backup_email = args.get("BE", None)
homepage = args.get("HP", None)
pgp_key = args.get("K", None)
ssh_pubkey = args.get("PK", None)
language = args.get("L", None)
timezone = args.get("TZ", None)
def username_exists(username):
return and_(User.ID != user.ID,
func.lower(User.Username) == username.lower())
def email_exists(email):
return and_(User.ID != user.ID,
func.lower(User.Email) == email.lower())
if not util.valid_email(email):
return False, ["The email address is invalid."]
elif backup_email and not util.valid_email(backup_email):
return False, ["The backup email address is invalid."]
elif homepage and not util.valid_homepage(homepage):
return False, [
"The home page is invalid, please specify the full HTTP(s) URL."]
elif pgp_key and not util.valid_pgp_fingerprint(pgp_key):
return False, ["The PGP key fingerprint is invalid."]
elif ssh_pubkey and not util.valid_ssh_pubkey(ssh_pubkey):
return False, ["The SSH public key is invalid."]
elif language and language not in l10n.SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
return False, ["Language is not currently supported."]
elif timezone and timezone not in time.SUPPORTED_TIMEZONES:
return False, ["Timezone is not currently supported."]
elif db.query(User, username_exists(username)).first():
# If the username already exists...
return False, [
_("The username, %s%s%s, is already in use.") % (
"<strong>", username, "</strong>")
elif db.query(User, email_exists(email)).first():
# If the email already exists...
return False, [
_("The address, %s%s%s, is already in use.") % (
"<strong>", email, "</strong>")
def ssh_fingerprint_exists(fingerprint):
return and_(SSHPubKey.UserID != user.ID,
SSHPubKey.Fingerprint == fingerprint)
if ssh_pubkey:
fingerprint = get_fingerprint(ssh_pubkey.strip().rstrip())
if fingerprint is None:
return False, ["The SSH public key is invalid."]
if db.query(SSHPubKey, ssh_fingerprint_exists(fingerprint)).first():
return False, [
_("The SSH public key, %s%s%s, is already in use.") % (
"<strong>", fingerprint, "</strong>")
captcha_salt = args.get("captcha_salt", None)
if captcha_salt and captcha_salt not in get_captcha_salts():
return False, ["This CAPTCHA has expired. Please try again."]
captcha = args.get("captcha", None)
if captcha:
answer = get_captcha_answer(get_captcha_token(captcha_salt))
if captcha != answer:
return False, ["The entered CAPTCHA answer is invalid."]
return True, []
def make_account_form_context(context: dict,
request: Request,
user: User,
args: dict):
""" Modify a FastAPI context and add attributes for the account form.
:param context: FastAPI context
:param request: FastAPI request
:param user: Target user
:param args: Persistent arguments: request.form()
:return: FastAPI context adjusted for account form
# Do not modify the original context.
context = copy.copy(context)
context["account_types"] = [
(1, "Normal User"),
(2, "Trusted User")
user_account_type_id = context.get("account_types")[0][0]
if request.user.has_credential("CRED_ACCOUNT_EDIT_DEV"):
context["account_types"].append((3, "Developer"))
context["account_types"].append((4, "Trusted User & Developer"))
if request.user.is_authenticated():
context["username"] = args.get("U", user.Username)
context["account_type"] = args.get("T", user.AccountType.ID)
context["suspended"] = args.get("S", user.Suspended)
context["email"] = args.get("E", user.Email)
context["hide_email"] = args.get("H", user.HideEmail)
context["backup_email"] = args.get("BE", user.BackupEmail)
context["realname"] = args.get("R", user.RealName)
context["homepage"] = args.get("HP", user.Homepage or str())
context["ircnick"] = args.get("I", user.IRCNick)
context["pgp"] = args.get("K", user.PGPKey or str())
context["lang"] = args.get("L", user.LangPreference)
context["tz"] = args.get("TZ", user.Timezone)
ssh_pk = user.ssh_pub_key.PubKey if user.ssh_pub_key else str()
context["ssh_pk"] = args.get("PK", ssh_pk)
context["cn"] = args.get("CN", user.CommentNotify)
context["un"] = args.get("UN", user.UpdateNotify)
context["on"] = args.get("ON", user.OwnershipNotify)
context["username"] = args.get("U", str())
context["account_type"] = args.get("T", user_account_type_id)
context["suspended"] = args.get("S", False)
context["email"] = args.get("E", str())
context["hide_email"] = args.get("H", False)
context["backup_email"] = args.get("BE", str())
context["realname"] = args.get("R", str())
context["homepage"] = args.get("HP", str())
context["ircnick"] = args.get("I", str())
context["pgp"] = args.get("K", str())
context["lang"] = args.get("L", context.get("language"))
context["tz"] = args.get("TZ", context.get("timezone"))
context["ssh_pk"] = args.get("PK", str())
context["cn"] = args.get("CN", True)
context["un"] = args.get("UN", False)
context["on"] = args.get("ON", True)
context["password"] = args.get("P", str())
context["confirm"] = args.get("C", str())
return context
@router.get("/register", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def account_register(request: Request,
U: str = Form(default=str()), # Username
E: str = Form(default=str()), # Email
H: str = Form(default=False), # Hide Email
BE: str = Form(default=None), # Backup Email
R: str = Form(default=None), # Real Name
HP: str = Form(default=None), # Homepage
I: str = Form(default=None), # IRC Nick
K: str = Form(default=None), # PGP Key FP
L: str = Form(default=aurweb.config.get(
"options", "default_lang")),
TZ: str = Form(default=aurweb.config.get(
"options", "default_timezone")),
PK: str = Form(default=None),
CN: bool = Form(default=False), # Comment Notify
CU: bool = Form(default=False), # Update Notify
CO: bool = Form(default=False), # Owner Notify
captcha: str = Form(default=str())):
context = await make_variable_context(request, "Register")
context["captcha_salt"] = get_captcha_salts()[0]
context = make_account_form_context(context, request, None, dict())
return render_template(request, "register.html", context)"/register", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def account_register_post(request: Request,
U: str = Form(default=str()), # Username
E: str = Form(default=str()), # Email
H: str = Form(default=False), # Hide Email
BE: str = Form(default=None), # Backup Email
R: str = Form(default=''), # Real Name
HP: str = Form(default=None), # Homepage
I: str = Form(default=None), # IRC Nick
K: str = Form(default=None), # PGP Key
L: str = Form(default=aurweb.config.get(
"options", "default_lang")),
TZ: str = Form(default=aurweb.config.get(
"options", "default_timezone")),
PK: str = Form(default=None), # SSH PubKey
CN: bool = Form(default=False),
UN: bool = Form(default=False),
ON: bool = Form(default=False),
captcha: str = Form(default=None),
captcha_salt: str = Form(...)):
from aurweb.db import session
context = await make_variable_context(request, "Register")
args = dict(await request.form())
context = make_account_form_context(context, request, None, args)
ok, errors = process_account_form(request, request.user, args)
if not ok:
# If the field values given do not meet the requirements,
# return HTTP 400 with an error.
context["errors"] = errors
return render_template(request, "register.html", context,
if not captcha:
context["errors"] = ["The CAPTCHA is missing."]
return render_template(request, "register.html", context,
# Create a user with no password with a resetkey, then send
# an email off about it.
resetkey = db.make_random_value(User, User.ResetKey)
# By default, we grab the User account type to associate with.
account_type = db.query(AccountType,
AccountType.AccountType == "User").first()
# Create a user given all parameters available.
user = db.create(User, Username=U, Email=E, HideEmail=H, BackupEmail=BE,
RealName=R, Homepage=HP, IRCNick=I, PGPKey=K,
LangPreference=L, Timezone=TZ, CommentNotify=CN,
UpdateNotify=UN, OwnershipNotify=ON, ResetKey=resetkey,
# If a PK was given and either one does not exist or the given
# PK mismatches the existing user's SSHPubKey.PubKey.
if PK:
# Get the second element in the PK, which is the actual key.
pubkey = PK.strip().rstrip()
fingerprint = get_fingerprint(pubkey)
user.ssh_pub_key = SSHPubKey(UserID=user.ID,
# Send a reset key notification to the new user.
executor = db.ConnectionExecutor(db.get_engine().raw_connection())
ResetKeyNotification(executor, user.ID).send()
context["complete"] = True
context["user"] = user
return render_template(request, "register.html", context)
import base64
import random
import re
import string
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import jinja2
from email_validator import EmailNotValidError, EmailUndeliverableError, validate_email
import aurweb.config
def make_random_string(length):
return ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase +
string.digits, k=length))
def valid_username(username):
min_len = aurweb.config.getint("options", "username_min_len")
max_len = aurweb.config.getint("options", "username_max_len")
if not (min_len <= len(username) <= max_len):
return False
# Check that username contains: one or more alphanumeric
# characters, an optional separator of '.', '-' or '_', followed
# by alphanumeric characters.
return re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[.\-_]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', username)
def valid_email(email):
except EmailUndeliverableError:
return False
except EmailNotValidError:
return False
return True
def valid_homepage(homepage):
parts = urlparse(homepage)
return parts.scheme in ("http", "https") and bool(parts.netloc)
def valid_password(password):
min_len = aurweb.config.getint("options", "passwd_min_len")
return len(password) >= min_len
def valid_pgp_fingerprint(fp):
fp = fp.replace(" ", "")
# Attempt to convert the fingerprint to an int via base16.
# If it can't, it's not a hex string.
int(fp, 16)
except ValueError:
return False
# Check the length; must be 40 hexadecimal digits.
return len(fp) == 40
def valid_ssh_pubkey(pk):
valid_prefixes = ("ssh-rsa", "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256",
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp384", "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521",
has_valid_prefix = False
for prefix in valid_prefixes:
if "%s " % prefix in pk:
has_valid_prefix = True
if not has_valid_prefix:
return False
tokens = pk.strip().rstrip().split(" ")
if len(tokens) < 2:
return False
return base64.b64encode(base64.b64decode(tokens[1])).decode() == tokens[1]
def account_url(context, user):
request = context.get("request")
base = f"{request.url.scheme}://{request.url.hostname}"
if request.url.scheme == "http" and request.url.port != 80:
base += f":{request.url.port}"
return f"{base}/account/{user.Username}"
This partial requires a few variables to render properly.
First off, we can render either a new account form or an
update account form.
To render an update account form, supply `form_type = "UpdateAccount"`.
To render a new account form, either omit a `form_type` or set it to
anything else (should actually be "NewAccount" based on the PHP impl).
Furthermore, when rendering an update form, if the request user
is authenticated, there **must** be a `user` supplied, pointing
to the user being edited.
<form id="edit-profile-form" method="post"
{% if action %}
action="{{ action }}"
{% endif %}
<input type="hidden" name="Action" value="{{ form_type }}">
<!-- Username -->
<label for="id_username">
{% trans %}Username{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_username"
type="text" size="30"
maxlength="16" name="U"
value="{{ username }}"
({% trans %}required{% endtrans %})
<em>{{ "Your user name is the name you will use to login. "
"It is visible to the general public, even if your "
"account is inactive." | tr }}</em>
{% if request.user.has_credential("CRED_ACCOUNT_CHANGE_TYPE") %}
<label for="id_type">
{% trans %}Account Type{% endtrans %}:
<select name="T" id="id_type">
{% for value, type in account_types %}
<option value="{{ value }}"
{% if account_type == type %}
{% endif %}
{{ type | tr }}
{% endfor %}
<label for="id_suspended">
{% trans %}Account Suspended{% endtrans %}:
<input id="suspended" type="checkbox" name="S"
{% if suspended %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Email -->
<label for="id_email">
{% trans %}Email Address{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_email" type="text"
size="30" maxlength="254" name="E" value="{{ email }}">
({% trans %}required{% endtrans %})
<em>{{ "Please ensure you correctly entered your email "
"address, otherwise you will be locked out." | tr }}</em>
<!-- Hide Email -->
<label for="id_hide">
{% trans %}Hide Email Address{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_hide" type="checkbox" name="H" value="{{ H }}">
<em>{{ "If you do not hide your email address, it is "
"visible to all registered AUR users. If you hide your "
"email address, it is visible to members of the Arch "
"Linux staff only." | tr }}</em>
<!-- Backup Email -->
<label for="id_backup_email">
{% trans %}Backup Email Address{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_backup_email" type="text" size="30"
maxlength="254" name="BE" value="{{ backup }}">
{{ "Optionally provide a secondary email address that "
"can be used to restore your account in case you lose "
"access to your primary email address." | tr }}
{{ "Password reset links are always sent to both your "
"primary and your backup email address." | tr }}
{{ "Your backup email address is always only visible to "
"members of the Arch Linux staff, independent of the %s "
"setting." | tr
| format("<em>%s</em>" | format("Hide Email Address" | tr))
| safe }}
<!-- Real Name -->
<label for="id_realname">
{% trans %}Real Name{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_realname" type="text" size="30"
maxlength="32" name="R" value="{{ realname }}">
<!-- Homepage -->
<label for="id_homepage">
{% trans %}Homepage{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_homepage" type="text" size="30" name="HP"
value="{{ homepage }}">
<!-- IRC Nick -->
<label for="id_irc">
{% trans %}IRC Nick{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_irc" type="text" size="30"
maxlength="32" name="I" value="{{ ircnick }}">
<!-- PGP Key Fingerprint -->
<label for="id_pgp">
{% trans %}PGP Key Fingerprint{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_pgp" type="text" size="30"
maxlength="50" name="K" value="{{ pgp }}">
<!-- Homepage -->
<label for="id_language">
{% trans %}Language{% endtrans %}:
<select id="id_language" name="L">
{% for domain, display in languages.items() %}
value="{{ domain }}"
{% if lang == domain %}
{% endif %}
{{ display }}
{% endfor %}
<!-- Homepage -->
<label for="id_timezone">
{% trans %}Timezone{% endtrans %}
<select id="id_timezone" name="TZ">
{% for current, offset in timezones.items() %}
<option value="{{ current }}"
{% if current == tz %}
{% endif %}
>{{ offset }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% if form_type == "UpdateAccount" %}
"If you want to change the password, enter a new password "
"and confirm the new password by entering it again." | tr
<label for="id_passwd1">
{% trans %}Password{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_passwd1" type="password"
size="30" name="P" value="{{ P or '' }}">
<label for="id_passwd2">
{% trans %}Re-type password{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_passwd2" type="password"
size="30" name="C" value="{{ C or '' }}">
{% endif %}
"The following information is only required if you "
"want to submit packages to the Arch User Repository." | tr
<label for="id_ssh">
{% trans %}SSH Public Key{% endtrans %}:
<!-- Only set PK auto-fill when we've got a NewAccount form. -->
<textarea id="id_ssh" name="PK"
rows="5" cols="30">{{ ssh_pk }}</textarea>
<legend>{% trans%}Notification settings{% endtrans %}:</legend>
<label for="id_commentnotify">
{% trans %}Notify of new comments{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_commentnotify" type="checkbox" name="CN"
{% if cn %}
{% endif %}
<label for="id_updatenotify">
{% trans %}Notify of package updates{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_updatenotify" type="checkbox" name="UN"
{% if un %}
{% endif %}
<label for="id_ownershipnotify">
{% trans %}Notify of ownership updates{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_ownershipnotify" type="checkbox" name="ON"
{% if on %}
{% endif %}
{% if form_type == "UpdateAccount" %}
{{ "To confirm the profile changes, please enter "
"your current password:" | tr }}
<label for="id_passwd_current">
{% trans %}Your current password{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_passwd_current" type="password"
size="30" name="passwd" id="id_passwd_current">
{% else %}
<!-- Otherwise, form_type is assumed that it's NewAccount. -->
{{ "To protect the AUR against automated account creation, "
"we kindly ask you to provide the output of the following "
"command:" | tr }}
{{ captcha_salt | captcha_cmdline }}
<label for="id_captcha">
{% trans %}Answer{% endtrans %}:
<input id="id_captcha"
type="text" size="30" maxlength="6" name="captcha">
({% trans %}required{% endtrans %})
<input type="hidden" name="captcha_salt"
value="{{ captcha_salt }}">
{% endif %}
{% if form_type == "UpdateAccount" %}
<input class="button" type="submit"
value="{{ 'Update' | tr }}"> &nbsp;
{% else %}
<input class="button" type="submit"
value="{{ 'Create' | tr }}"> &nbsp;
{% endif %}
<input class="button" type="reset"
value="{{ 'Reset' | tr }}">
{% extends "partials/layout.html" %}
{% block pageContent %}
<div class="box">
<h2>{% trans %}Register{% endtrans %}</h2>
{% if complete %}
"The account, %s%s%s, has been successfully created."
| tr
| format("<strong>", "'" + user.Username + "'", "</strong>")
| safe
{% trans %}A password reset key has been sent to your e-mail address.{% endtrans %}
{% else %}
{% if errors %}
{% include "partials/error.html" %}
{% else %}
{% trans %}Use this form to create an account.{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% set form_type = "NewAccount" %}
{% include "partials/account_form.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
import re
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from http import HTTPStatus
from subprocess import Popen
import pytest
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from aurweb import captcha
from aurweb.asgi import app
from aurweb.db import query
from aurweb.db import create, delete, query
from aurweb.models.account_type import AccountType
from aurweb.models.ban import Ban
from aurweb.models.session import Session
from aurweb.models.ssh_pub_key import SSHPubKey, get_fingerprint
from aurweb.models.user import User
from aurweb.testing import setup_test_db
from aurweb.testing.models import make_user
......@@ -220,3 +228,349 @@ def test_post_passreset_error_password_requirements():
error = f"Your password must be at least {passwd_min_len} characters."
assert error in response.content.decode("utf-8")
def test_get_register():
with client as request:
response = request.get("/register")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
def post_register(request, **kwargs):
""" A simple helper that allows overrides to test defaults. """
salt = captcha.get_captcha_salts()[0]
token = captcha.get_captcha_token(salt)
answer = captcha.get_captcha_answer(token)
data = {
"U": "newUser",
"E": "",
"P": "newUserPassword",
"C": "newUserPassword",
"L": "en",
"TZ": "UTC",
"captcha": answer,
"captcha_salt": salt
# For any kwargs given, override their k:v pairs in data.
args = dict(kwargs)
for k, v in args.items():
data[k] = v
return"/register", data=data, allow_redirects=False)
def test_post_register():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request)
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
expected = "The account, <strong>'newUser'</strong>, "
expected += "has been successfully created."
assert expected in response.content.decode()
def test_post_register_rejects_case_insensitive_spoof():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, U="newUser", E="")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, U="NEWUSER", E="BLAH@GMAIL.COM")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
expected = "The username, <strong>NEWUSER</strong>, is already in use."
assert expected in response.content.decode()
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, U="BLAH", E="NEWUSER@EXAMPLE.ORG")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
expected = "The address, <strong>NEWUSER@EXAMPLE.ORG</strong>, "
expected += "is already in use."
assert expected in response.content.decode()
def test_post_register_error_expired_captcha():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, captcha_salt="invalid-salt")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "This CAPTCHA has expired. Please try again." in content
def test_post_register_error_missing_captcha():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, captcha=None)
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "The CAPTCHA is missing." in content
def test_post_register_error_invalid_captcha():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, captcha="invalid blah blah")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "The entered CAPTCHA answer is invalid." in content
def test_post_register_error_ip_banned():
# 'testclient' is used as via FastAPI TestClient.
create(Ban, IPAddress="testclient", BanTS=datetime.utcnow())
with client as request:
response = post_register(request)
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert ("Account registration has been disabled for your IP address, " +
"probably due to sustained spam attacks. Sorry for the " +
"inconvenience.") in content
def test_post_register_error_missing_username():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, U="")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "Missing a required field." in content
def test_post_register_error_missing_email():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, E="")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "Missing a required field." in content
def test_post_register_error_invalid_username():
with client as request:
# Our test config requires at least three characters for a
# valid username, so test against two characters: 'ba'.
response = post_register(request, U="ba")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "The username is invalid." in content
def test_post_register_invalid_password():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, P="abc", C="abc")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
expected = r"Your password must be at least \d+ characters."
assert, content)
def test_post_register_error_missing_confirm():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, C=None)
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "Please confirm your new password." in content
def test_post_register_error_mismatched_confirm():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, C="mismatched")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "Password fields do not match." in content
def test_post_register_error_invalid_email():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, E="bad@email")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "The email address is invalid." in content
def test_post_register_error_undeliverable_email():
with client as request:
# At the time of writing, does not contain
# mx records; if it ever does, it'll break this test.
response = post_register(request, E="email@bad.c")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "The email address is invalid." in content
def test_post_register_invalid_backup_email():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, BE="bad@email")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "The backup email address is invalid." in content
def test_post_register_error_invalid_homepage():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, HP="bad")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
expected = "The home page is invalid, please specify the full HTTP(s) URL."
assert expected in content
def test_post_register_error_invalid_pgp_fingerprints():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, K="bad")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
expected = "The PGP key fingerprint is invalid."
assert expected in content
pk = 'z' + ('a' * 39)
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, K=pk)
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
expected = "The PGP key fingerprint is invalid."
assert expected in content
def test_post_register_error_invalid_ssh_pubkeys():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, PK="bad")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "The SSH public key is invalid." in content
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, PK="ssh-rsa ")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
assert "The SSH public key is invalid." in content
def test_post_register_error_unsupported_language():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, L="bad")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
expected = "Language is not currently supported."
assert expected in content
def test_post_register_error_unsupported_timezone():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, TZ="ABCDEFGH")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
expected = "Timezone is not currently supported."
assert expected in content
def test_post_register_error_username_taken():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, U="test")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
expected = r"The username, .*, is already in use."
assert, content)
def test_post_register_error_email_taken():
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, E="")
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
expected = r"The address, .*, is already in use."
assert, content)
def test_post_register_error_ssh_pubkey_taken():
pk = str()
# Create a public key with ssh-keygen (this adds ssh-keygen as a
# dependency to passing this test).
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
with open("/dev/null", "w") as null:
proc = Popen(["ssh-keygen", "-f", f"{tmpdir}/test.ssh", "-N", ""],
stdout=null, stderr=null)
assert proc.returncode == 0
# Read in the public key, then delete the temp dir we made.
pk = open(f"{tmpdir}/").read().rstrip()
# Take the sha256 fingerprint of the ssh public key, create it.
fp = get_fingerprint(pk)
create(SSHPubKey, UserID=user.ID, PubKey=pk, Fingerprint=fp)
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, PK=pk)
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
content = response.content.decode()
expected = r"The SSH public key, .*, is already in use."
assert, content)
def test_post_register_with_ssh_pubkey():
pk = str()
# Create a public key with ssh-keygen (this adds ssh-keygen as a
# dependency to passing this test).
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
with open("/dev/null", "w") as null:
proc = Popen(["ssh-keygen", "-f", f"{tmpdir}/test.ssh", "-N", ""],
stdout=null, stderr=null)
assert proc.returncode == 0
# Read in the public key, then delete the temp dir we made.
pk = open(f"{tmpdir}/").read().rstrip()
with client as request:
response = post_register(request, PK=pk)
assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)
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