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mkpkglists improvements

Merged Kevin Morris requested to merge kevr/aurweb:teapot into master
All threads resolved!
5 files
+ 209
Compare changes
  • Side-by-side
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  • The SQL logic in this file for package metadata now exactly
    reflects RPC's search logic, without searching for specific
    Two command line arguments are available:
        --extended | Include License, Keywords and Groups fields
        --all      | Include License, Keywords, Groups, dependencies and
    When one of these arguments are passed, the script will create
    a packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz, configured via packagesmetaextfile.
    Done this way so that there are multiple options for archive;
    the roughly 2.4MB basic metadata (-meta-v1) and the
    ~4-7MB (--extended) / 9.8MB (--all) metadata (-meta-ext-v1).
    Archive JSON is in the following format: line-separated package objects
    enclosed in a list:
    This allows users to stream the archive and process packages
    line-by-line, during the local storage process.
    Signed-off-by: Kevin Morris's avatarKevin Morris <>
+ 204
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Produces package, package base and user archives for the AUR
packages.gz | A line-separated list of package names
packages-meta-v1.json | A type=search RPC-formatted JSON dataset
packages-meta-ext-v1.json | An --extended or --all archive
pkgbase.gz | A line-separated list of package base names
users.gz | A line-separated list of user names
This script takes an optional argument: --extended or --all. Based
on the following, right-hand side fields are added to each item.
--extended | License, Keywords, Groups
--all | License, Keywords, Groups, relations and dependencies
import datetime
import gzip
import json
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Tuple
import orjson
import aurweb.config
import aurweb.db
@@ -20,6 +43,7 @@ def state_path(archive: str) -> str:
packagesfile = aurweb.config.get('mkpkglists', 'packagesfile')
packagesmetafile = aurweb.config.get('mkpkglists', 'packagesmetafile')
packagesmetaextfile = aurweb.config.get('mkpkglists', 'packagesmetaextfile')
packages_state = state_path(packagesfile)
pkgbasefile = aurweb.config.get('mkpkglists', 'pkgbasefile')
@@ -53,6 +77,142 @@ def update_state(state: str, update_time: int) -> None:
"depends": "Depends",
"makedepends": "MakeDepends",
"checkdepends": "CheckDepends",
"optdepends": "OptDepends",
"conflicts": "Conflicts",
"provides": "Provides",
"replaces": "Replaces",
def get_extended_dict(query: str):
Produce data in the form in a single bulk SQL query:
<integer_package_id>: {
"Depends": [...],
"Conflicts": [...],
"License": [...]
The caller can then use this data to populate a dataset of packages.
output = produce_base_output_data()
data = get_extended_dict(query)
for i in range(len(output)):
package_id = output[i].get("ID")
conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
cursor = conn.execute(query)
data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
for result in cursor.fetchall():
pkgid = result[0]
key = TYPE_MAP.get(result[1])
output = result[2]
if result[3]:
output += result[3]
# In all cases, we have at least an empty License list.
if "License" not in data[pkgid]:
data[pkgid]["License"] = []
# In all cases, we have at least an empty Keywords list.
if "Keywords" not in data[pkgid]:
data[pkgid]["Keywords"] = []
if "Groups" not in data[pkgid]:
data[pkgid]["Groups"] = []
return data
def get_limited_extended_fields():
# Returns: [ID, Type, Name, Cond]
query = """
SELECT PackageGroups.PackageID AS ID, 'Groups' AS Type,
Groups.Name, '' AS Cond
FROM Groups INNER JOIN PackageGroups
ON PackageGroups.GroupID = Groups.ID
UNION SELECT PackageLicenses.PackageID AS ID, 'License' AS Type,
Licenses.Name, '' as Cond
FROM Licenses INNER JOIN PackageLicenses
ON PackageLicenses.LicenseID = Licenses.ID
UNION SELECT Packages.ID AS ID, 'Keywords' AS Type,
PackageKeywords.Keyword AS Name, '' as Cond
FROM PackageKeywords
INNER JOIN Packages ON Packages.PackageBaseID = PackageKeywords.PackageBaseID
return get_extended_dict(query)
def get_extended_fields():
# Returns: [ID, Type, Name, Cond]
query = """
SELECT PackageDepends.PackageID AS ID, DependencyTypes.Name AS Type,
PackageDepends.DepName AS Name, PackageDepends.DepCondition AS Cond
FROM PackageDepends
LEFT JOIN DependencyTypes
ON DependencyTypes.ID = PackageDepends.DepTypeID
UNION SELECT PackageRelations.PackageID AS ID, RelationTypes.Name AS Type,
PackageRelations.RelName AS Name,
PackageRelations.RelCondition AS Cond
FROM PackageRelations
LEFT JOIN RelationTypes
ON RelationTypes.ID = PackageRelations.RelTypeID
UNION SELECT PackageGroups.PackageID AS ID, 'Groups' AS Type,
Groups.Name, '' AS Cond
FROM Groups
INNER JOIN PackageGroups ON PackageGroups.GroupID = Groups.ID
UNION SELECT PackageLicenses.PackageID AS ID, 'License' AS Type,
Licenses.Name, '' as Cond
FROM Licenses
INNER JOIN PackageLicenses ON PackageLicenses.LicenseID = Licenses.ID
UNION SELECT Packages.ID AS ID, 'Keywords' AS Type,
PackageKeywords.Keyword AS Name, '' as Cond
FROM PackageKeywords
INNER JOIN Packages ON Packages.PackageBaseID = PackageKeywords.PackageBaseID
return get_extended_dict(query)
"--extended": get_limited_extended_fields,
"--all": get_extended_fields
def is_decimal(column):
""" Check if an SQL column is of decimal.Decimal type. """
if isinstance(column, Decimal):
return float(column)
return column
def write_archive(archive: str, output: list):
with, "wb") as f:
for i, item in enumerate(output):
if i < len(output) - 1:
def main():
conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
@@ -64,47 +224,52 @@ def main():
updated, update_time = should_update(packages_state, "Packages")
if not updated:
print("Updating Packages...")
columns = ("Packages.ID, PackageBaseID, Packages.Name, "
"Version, Description, URL")
# Query columns; copied from RPC.
columns = ("Packages.ID, Packages.Name, "
"PackageBases.ID AS PackageBaseID, "
"PackageBases.Name AS PackageBase, "
"Version, Description, URL, NumVotes, "
"Popularity, OutOfDateTS AS OutOfDate, "
"Users.UserName AS Maintainer, "
"SubmittedTS AS FirstSubmitted, "
"ModifiedTS AS LastModified")
# Perform query.
cur = conn.execute(f"SELECT {columns} FROM Packages "
"INNER JOIN PackageBases "
"LEFT JOIN PackageBases "
"ON PackageBases.ID = Packages.PackageBaseID "
"LEFT JOIN Users "
"ON PackageBases.MaintainerUID = Users.ID "
"WHERE PackageBases.PackagerUID IS NOT NULL")
# Store JSON-data in `output`, which can be reused for the
# more basic packagesfile generation afterward.
output = dict()
with, "wt") as f:
""" The output "data" json key points to a list of dictionaries,
each representing a single result, filled with column names as
keys and column values as values.
"data": [
"ID": 123,
"Name": "package_name",
"PackageBaseID": 234,
"Version": "0.1.1",
"Description": "Some description...",
"URL": "https://some.url"
output = [{
column[0]: result[i]
# Produce packages-meta-v1.json.gz
output = list()
snapshot_uri = aurweb.config.get("options", "snapshot_uri")
for result in cur.fetchall():
item = {
column[0]: is_decimal(result[i])
for i, column in enumerate(cur.description)
} for result in cur.fetchall()]
"warning": ("This is a experimental! It can be removed "
"or modified without warning!"),
"data": output
}, f)
with, "w") as f:
item["URLPath"] = snapshot_uri % item.get("Name")
write_archive(packagesmetafile, output)
# Produce packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in EXTENDED_FIELD_HANDLERS:
f = EXTENDED_FIELD_HANDLERS.get(sys.argv[1])
data = f()
default_ = {"Groups": [], "License": [], "Keywords": []}
for i in range(len(output)):
data_ = data.get(output[i].get("ID"), default_)
write_archive(packagesmetaextfile, output)
# Produce packages.gz
with, "wb") as f:
f.write(bytes(pkglist_header + "\n", "UTF-8"))
bytes(x.get("Name") + "\n", "UTF-8")
@@ -118,6 +283,7 @@ def main():
updated, update_time = should_update(pkgbases_state, "PackageBases")
if not updated:
print("Updating PackageBases...")
# Produce pkgbase.gz
with, "w") as f:
f.write(bytes(pkgbaselist_header + "\n", "UTF-8"))
cur = conn.execute("SELECT Name FROM PackageBases " +
@@ -130,6 +296,7 @@ def main():
updated, update_time = should_update(users_state, "Users")
if not updated:
print("Updating Users...")
# Produce users.gz
with, "w") as f:
f.write(bytes(userlist_header + "\n", "UTF-8"))
cur = conn.execute("SELECT UserName FROM Users")