- Jun 16, 2021
Kristian Klausen authored
Fix #354
- Jun 09, 2021
Kristian Klausen authored
- May 13, 2021
Kristian Klausen <kristian@klausen.dk>
- May 08, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
The TU Bylaws is currently deployed as part of the aurweb role which makes it more work for devops and with gitlab pages TU's can deploy it themself.
- Apr 27, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
The WKD setup for master-key.archlinux.org requires this domain to obtain the master keys via WKD. As WKD falls back to archlinux.org which contains no .well-known/openpgpkey entry.
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
- Apr 22, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
- Apr 19, 2021
Daniel M. Capella authored
Eg. https://whatcanidoforfedora.org/ and https://whatcanidoformozilla.org/. Mea culpa.
- Apr 08, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
Loki keeps logs it returns in ram, resulting in the oom killer on 2GB's of ram.
- Apr 05, 2021
- Mar 29, 2021
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
This allows us to get proper certificates for loki which will run on logging.archlinux.org on the same machine as monitoring.archlinux.org.
- Mar 19, 2021
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
It was getting very cramped with only a few MBs left. It appears currently we only get about 6 months worth of data out of 20G so 100G seems reasonable.
- Feb 25, 2021
Kristian Klausen authored
The file should not be on the main domain as it adds unnecessary complexity to the archweb role and there is a bigger chance that we unintentionally break connectivity checking (which has happened in the past[1][2]). This doesn't remove the file from the main domain[3], as we need to ship a updated NetworkManager package first. [1] https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/keai0g/does_anyone_know_if_this_is_normal/ [2] https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/ke9ytm/network_manager_popup/ [3] http://www.archlinux.org/check_network_status.txt Fix #239
- Feb 01, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
This adds a collaborative markdown editor as newly offered service which is available via login for all Arch Linux Staff with an option to allow anonymous edits by users (not default). Users are managed via keycloak and require the Staff role to be allowed in, non staff keycloak users currently will receive an internal server error due to an upstream issue.
- Jan 31, 2021
- Jan 26, 2021
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
- Jan 25, 2021
Frederik Schwan authored
machine.domain has been an mandatory attribute which creates <domain>.archlinux.org entries automagically. For migrations this can be a problem if <domain>.archlinux.org supposed to point to a different machine. Adding the new machine with the same domain leads to additional DNS entries. The DNS ends up pointing to both machines in this case. By making the domain attribute optional for machines, we allow the new machines to be created without any domain pointing to them.
- Jan 19, 2021
- Jan 13, 2021
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
The ttl must be aligned with the previous entries.
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
Lowered the CNAME DNS record TTL for lists to 600 and created a new cx11 server to migrate lists.archlinux.org to.
- Jan 11, 2021
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
- Jan 10, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
Jelle van der Waa authored
The WKD will be migrated to Gitlab Pages, requiring a lowering of DNS TTL.
- Dec 31, 2020
Kristian Klausen authored
Frederik Schwan authored
We need to keep the balance between automation and readability.
- Dec 29, 2020
Kristian Klausen authored
luna uses the luna domainkey now, instaed of the luna2 domainkey. The list (hosted on luna) also use lists.archlinux.org for all ml now[1]. [1] https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2020-December/030248.html
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
Removed the A/AAAA entries for apollo, as well as any CNAME's pointing to it. Also removed the domain key for apollo.
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
Pointed the mailman CNAME to the new redirect machine for finishing the apollo migration.
- Dec 28, 2020
Frederik Schwan authored
Frederik Schwan authored
Frederik Schwan authored
Frederik Schwan authored
Frederik Schwan authored
Frederik Schwan authored