May 11, 2021–Jan 15, 2022
This milestone represents the efforts of porting the existing PHP implementation of aurweb over to Python, using the FastAPI HTTP framework.
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Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- [Feedback] Package Request Closure
- [Bug] Direct requestless merge action redirects to source pkgbase
- [Bug] Miscounted requests on package view pages
- [Feature] Bare Metal Ansible Setup
- [Feedback] Package View
- [Feedback] Comment testing
- [Feedback] Package Base actions
- [Bug] Package Base View sources & required by mismatched
- [Feedback] Package Base View
- [Feedback] Package Search actions
- [Feedback] Package Search
- [Bug] package search is not ordered the same
- [Feedback] Account Edit
- Draft: 6.0.0 UX Changelog
- Implement 404 for requests toward non-implemented routes
- [Bug] Request Notifications are incorrectly implemented
- [User Testing] RPC
- [Bug] O / PP parameters with a non-int value cause a 500
- [FastAPI Bug] /pkgbase/{name}/comments/{id}/edit is missing
- [FastAPI Bug] /account/{name}/edit: Account Type (T) input does not affect the account's type on submission
- [User Testing] Overview
- [User Testing] Trusted User Proposal Create
- [User Testing] Trusted User Proposal
- [User Testing] Trusted User
- [User Testing] User Password Reset
- [User Testing] Account Registration
- [User Testing] Package Request Closure
- [User Testing] Package Requests
- [User Testing] Package Request Create
- [User Testing] Package Flagging
- [User Testing] Comaintainer Edit
- [User Testing] Package Base View
- [User Testing] Package Base actions
- [User Testing] Package View
- [User Testing] Comment testing
- [User Testing] Package Search actions
- [User Testing] Package Search
- [User Testing] Account Search
- [User Testing] Account Edit
- [User Testing] Account View
- [User Testing] User Logout
- [User Testing] User Login
- [User Testing] Homepage
- [FastAPI] Home stretch
- [FastAPI] PackageBase actions
- [FastAPI] Refactor comaintainers POST route
- [FastAPI] Unify naming within and across modules
- [FastAPI] Comaintainer priority should be automatically wrapped
- [FastAPI] Rework model __init__ exceptions
- [FastAPI] use User.has_credential for auth requirements
- [FastAPI] aurweb.db.session should be a scoped_session
- [FastAPI] Homepage "Recent Updates" Not Ordered Properly
- [FastAPI] setup_test_db sanitization pass on pytests
- [FastAPI] Remove deprecated `dedupe_qs`
- [FastAPI] Package dependencies missing DepArch
- [FastAPI] Improve package search results voted/notify performance
- Remove RPC v1<=v4 and make specifying v= mandatory
- Use to manage Python dependencies
- Consider python-orjson for RPC endpoint
- [FastAPI] Consider / Implement CSRF Correctly
- [DB] Use a task framework to prune leftover records
- [DB] TU_Vote SQLAlchemy ORM model
- [DB] TU_VoteInfo SQLAlchemy ORM model
- [DB] PackageRequest SQLAlchemy ORM model
- [DB] RequestType SQLAlchemy ORM model
- [DB] PackageBlacklist SQLAlchemy ORM model
- [DB] PackageNotification SQLAlchemy ORM model
- [DB] PackageComaintainer SQLAlchemy ORM model
- [DB] PackageComment SQLAlchemy ORM model
- [DB] PackageVote SQLAlchemy ORM model
Issue Bot Test
#71 2
Issue Bot Test
#70 2
- Issue Bot Test [NOT AN ISSUE]
- [DB] SQLAlchemy SQLite Decimal Warnings
- [DB] PackageSource ORM Model
- Remove ORM deletions across the codebase where possible
- [FastAPI] Home
- [FastAPI] CommentEdit
- [FastAPI] Comaintainers
- [FastAPI] AddVote
- [FastAPI] Voters
- [FastAPI] TrustedUser
- [FastAPI] Terms
- [FastAPI] RSS
- [FastAPI] RPC
- [FastAPI] PackageRequest
- [FastAPI] PackageMerge
- [FastAPI] PackageFlag
- [FastAPI] PackageFlagComment
- [FastAPI] PackageDisown
- [FastAPI] PackageDelete
- [FastAPI] PackageBase
- [FastAPI] Packages
- [FastAPI] Implement User authentication
- [FastAPI] Add secure headers/cookies
- [FastAPI] Jinja contextfilter renamed to pass_context
- [FastAPI] Allow reporters to cancel their own requests
- Path to Python/FastAPI
- Last page on AUR requests goes nowhere